Chapter 15

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G E N E R A L  P O V

(Final update for this week... Probably not 😭😭I'm pen happy these days so I'm probably gonna update again)


The enchanted garden maze at the heart of Elysian Avaloria was a labyrinth of natural wonders, with verdant hedges, blooming roses, and delicate fountains. As King Demetrius and Prince Taehyung strolled through its winding pathways, the air was filled with the sweet fragrance of blossoms.

Amid the maze's ethereal beauty, Taehyung hesitantly broached a subject he had long wondered about. "Father," he began, his voice soft but curious, "I've always wondered about my birth mother, Eudora. Can you tell me about her?"

Demetrius paused, his gaze drifting to the vibrant blooms around them. "Eudora," he began, a hint of nostalgia in his eyes. "She was a remarkable woman, Lili, both inside and out."

The king's voice was filled with warmth as he continued, "Not only were you were named after her, 'Taehyung' was her choice, it means 'loved one.' She believed that you would be a beacon of love and light in our lives. Lilibet was also her choice, it means God's promise."

Taehyung listened with a mix of emotions, his heart swelling with the newfound knowledge about his mother. "What was she like, Father?"

The prince's father smiled, his eyes reflecting the fond memories. "Eudora was not only a beauty to behold, but she had a heart that radiated kindness and compassion. She was beloved by the kingdom's people for her charitable deeds and her unwavering support for those in need. She was a queen at heart."

As they continued their walk through the maze, Taehyung couldn't help but ask, "Do I look like her, Father?"

Demetrius nodded, his eyes twinkling. "Ah Yes, Lili, you have her eyes, her smile, and her spirit. You are a living reflection of her beauty, inside and out. Even that little mole on your waterline is hers."

Taehyung smiled bashfully. Not only at the fact that he was a spitting image as his mother, but also because his father noticed a small feature such as a mole on his under eye.

It was a poignant moment in the maze, a father revealing a piece of the past that his son had longed to know. As the king and prince navigated the intricate paths, they carried not just the memory of Eudora but also a newfound connection forged through the sharing of her story.

"How did you and Mother meet?" Taehyung couldn't help but ask in a hushed tone.

Demetrius smiled softly as they came to a stop in front of a huge fountain. It had a statue of Queen Min Nova Eudora Somi. She was also heavily pregnant with Taehyung.

The duo looked at the statue teary eyed.

Demetrius began, "I met your mother when we were both quite young. It was a warm summer's day, and I was wandering through the palace gardens, lost in my own thoughts. As I turned a corner, I found myself in a secluded part of the garden that was often neglected."

He paused, his eyes glinting with nostalgia. "Eudora was there, sitting on a bench beneath a weeping willow tree. Her hair, a cascade of Chestnut waves, glowed in the dappled sunlight. She was reading a book of poetry, and her laughter filled the air as she lost herself in the verses."

The king's voice took on a dreamy quality as he continued, "I was captivated by her beauty and her spirit. I approached, and she looked up, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. We began to talk, and as we conversed, I realized that she was not only stunning but incredibly intelligent and compassionate."

Taehyung listened, envisioning the picturesque scene in his mind, the young king falling for the enchanting maiden beneath the weeping willow tree. Demetrius smiled as he recollected, "We spent hours there, talking, laughing, and sharing stories. It was in that garden, beneath that ancient tree, that our love began to blossom."

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