chapter 10

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'Cale'- thinking
"Cale"- speaking
*Cale*- action
Cale - screen narration
...................... (Screen switches to another scene)
Wmmap means lily, diana and athy

it has been about an hour and the mood around the room especially on the left is still sour and depressing. Surprised is an understatement for what the wmmap cast is feeling. Lily is baffled, athanasia is devastated for his father's "betrayal", while diana is angry both at cale for "seducing" claude and his (cale) son for being disrespectful towards her (diana)

felix had already undone the disguise magic casted on his eyes revealing his beautiful jewelled blue eyes, and he was currently laying in claude/alberu's lap. this action worsened lily, Athanasia, and diana's mood more.

the wmmap cast is currently staring at the right side which contains cale's family along with their emperor and his son and a certain deity was watching from above whilst choosing another scene for them to react. when something caught her eyes.

"well it has been about an hour since we finish reacting on the last scene, isn't that right?  well then let us begin on the next one so we can get this done with. i am pretty sure you are all itching to go home. i am also certain that he is getting pretty bored waiting for his son and husband to go back home" the deity said/asked. however, the last sentence piqued the interest of some people. many people on the right side had gotten it and is excited,doubting if they'll be able to wait for it to finish and bolt out the door. said son and husband however, is looking clueless/confused on what the deity meant and why their companions look excited

"felix, where are you?" cale shouted wondering where his son is

"why don't you let him be? he must be playing somewhere"claude/alberu who is next to him said
'and causing trouble like his mother' however was left unsaid

eruhaben (did i spell it right?): *sigh* "like mother, like son, both are unlucky bastards"

while his mother was fussing over him, the said child is playing with golds he had saved and sneaked from his everyday allowance even though he is not yet going outside and not at age to go to an academy (sana all) when an unknown child of a noble approached him and act rude without knowing who he is

random kid: "hey, what are you doing here? and why do you have those"

felix: "oh, these, my parents give these to me daily and i saved it"

random kid: "liar, you must have stolen it, give it to me"

claude/alberu: 'tch, i should have killed them right then and there' claude/alberu thought angrily

felix noticed his father's grim expression and in an attempt to calm him down, massaged his father's shoulder like he saw his mother do when he wants a golden plaque
claude/alberu noticed this and immediately questioned his son feeling a danger approaching

Claude/Alberu: "wait, what are you plotting?"

felix: "hmm, what are you talking about father? im not plotting anything"

Claude/Alberu: "is that so?"

claude/alberu asks suspiciously. felix just hummed in response. claude/alberu dismissed that thought immediately thinking his son wouldn't do anything.

(author: someone's in denial
claude/alberu: shut up author
author:surely, you haven't forgotten who his mother is, now have you
claude/alberu: just write and do your work)

(tch, whatever *rolls eyes* anyways back to the story)

felix: "what!? no it's mine" felix replied to the absurd accusation of the kid

random noble🐷: "what are you doing, 'random kid's name'" a noble  which seemed to be the kids father approached them with a funny look in his face due to trying to act intimidating

random kid: "father, look he has golds, he must have stolen it"

random noble: "hmm 🤔🐷 look kid we know you have stolen it, just return it and we won't report you (oink oink)"

felix: "how many time do i have to tell you, i didn't steal it, my parents gave it to me"

random noble: "well then your parents must have stolen it"

diana: 'ha, that's right, his mother is a thief. how dare he steal all my money and my position'

?: "who has stolen what?!!"

random noble: "your majesty (alberu), your highness (cale)

alberu: "what is this i heard about stealing"

cale: 'who is this pig?'

random noble: "your majesty, this kid stole all this gold and he is denying it"

felix:  "i didn't steal it!!!!"
he shouted annoyed and tearful because of the false accusation

cale was angry at the man because felix doesn't cry that easily and this is the first time he has cried infront of strangers and a noble at that

cale: "by "this kid", do you mean my son?"

random noble: "of course not your highness, he couldn't possibly be your son"

cale: "but he is? there is no denying it especially with our hair which, unless you are blind, can be seen similar from miles away" cale said while wiping his child's tears and comforting him

random noble: "pardon me?"
he (the 🐷🐖) asked not believing what he had heard

alberu: "what my empress said is right, this "thief child" you are referring to is our child and those golds he had "stolen" is from us, and yes we are the "thief" parents of said child. now then, i trust that you are not as dumb as you look and knows what is the consequences of insulting not just a royal but the whole royal family? the consequences of what is known as treason?"

random noble: " please forgive me, we were naive, please your majesty, have mercy"

athanasia: "how disgusting, i hope he received a punishment"
(oh believe me when i said it is worse than punishment, it is a specialist that handled him after all)

alberu: "gua-" alberu was cut off by an extremely enraged voice that he didn't dare scold him after realizing who those voice belongs to

cale: "guards, get them and give them to beacrox" cale said in an angered yet composed voice

lily: "his majesty is really scared by his wife huh" she said while chuckling and that annoyed diana who scolded her for siding with a- (and i quote) "a thief and a slut"

diana: "lily, why are you siding with him, he is a thief and a slut" this angered not just lily but also the royal family (including athanasia because she have gained respect for cale during the  time they watch him after revealing what her mother did) but also the tcf cast aka cale's family

lily: "with all due respect my lady, however, that "thief and slut" you are referring to is the empress thus you are currently commiting a crime right now, as we speak"

diana: "what do you mean by that!!! i am the empress, not that slu-"

diana was not able to finish her useless speech because of a slap which landed on her cheek and caused by her own daughter

diana: "athanasia what?"

athanasia: "please stop it mother, he is the one that was chosen by the emperor thus he is the empress, and no one can change that but the emperor himself"  
(when you child is more mature than you)

i am extremely sorry, i have no excuse, just lazy and to be honest i am considering discontinueing this. I know that it is ending but what do you think? 

should i continue this story or not?

comment your opinion and if you do want this story to continue please give me some ideas for three to four more reaction that i should make which will be followed by the ending aka the reunion

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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