Toy And Butterfly.

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"Kyle!!! Vincent!!! Answer me!" I shouted again! Damnit!!!! I grip his clothes tightly. "can you go inside the forest? They might be there" he nodded and went right into the forest as I told him to. ...! I can hear it! But barely but still! I can hear it! The sounds of two swords clashing and the yelling of a voice that I am familiar with! It's Kyle! "please go to them!" I say to him. He then speeds himself up and runs even faster!

The moment he was able to get to them was the moment when the wind was not that strong! I can see it a little better now! I get out of his back and go to them! *tup* when he stepped into the ground only did I realize. He and I were in the middle of those two. Literally. Kyle throws his dagger and Vincent charges trying to parry the dagger but-

"Shit! Brother!!!" Kyle screamed after knowing that I was right in the middle! "!?" Vincent's eyes widened as he realized I was in the middle. Before I knew it he, immediately grabbed me and carried me away. He, who is my toy of course. "ah... Um... Thank you," he looks at me. "naturally, I must protect my master"
" that so? Haha..." hah... I watch both Vincent and Kyle arguing. I sighed. I thought Kyle said not to try and hurt each other in the event...

I walked to them, my clothes were dirty not just from the fall earlier. But from the dirt that was there in the winds. I must have looked like trash which I guess fit my nickname... I take Kyle's hand. He looks at me, "Brother! Are you okay!? I-" I just hugged him. "it's okay, I know you don't mean to throw that dagger at me. It's okay" I comfort him. Now Kyle has calmed down... I look at Vincent, "Well... Mind explaining why you two are fighting?"

Vincent: "Well your little brother is just jealous that I will get the prey first"

Kyle: "BULLSHIT! As if I'm jealous of you! You fucking call me trash and insult my brother!"

Vincent: "Well, that's a lie"

Not gonna lie, I feel like Vincent is lying. He insulted both Kyle and me I just know it. That is his trait. This guy...

I sighed.

Luke: "Well how about we forget about all of this and get back okay?"

Vincent: "Sure, I already got my prey"

Kyle: "Same, ah! Brother, did you get any prey? If no, we- no. I, can go and find them for you!"

I smile,

Luke: "No need Kyle, I already got one here"

I say as I walk to... My toy! Yeah, my toy. We need to give him a name... By that I mean, I gotta give him a name.

Vincent: "Oh ~? How did you get him? He looks pretty strong"

Kyle: "This guy, mmh. Average at best, compared to me!"

Luke: "Well..."


"still not here yet?" I looked beside me and there was Anna. "no." I replied. She sighed, "That trash. Just where did he go? Also, where's Kyle and Vincent? Didn't they already send their prey here? Where did they go?" she asked. I didn't say anything.

Anna pouted, "You could be more talkative you know?" I just keep quiet. "it's useless~" Leon walked to us. "he's always been like that"

Anna: "Yeah..."

Leon: "Anyway, how about we go and look at each other prey?"

Anna: "Ooh, sounds fun!"

Leon: "Well, you can stay there if you want to"


"um... It's okay, I don't need to be carried." I politely said to... Ahem. My toy, he just looked at me. "no, no, no... I can't have you carry me, what if we get into trouble and you need to act fast?" he just ignores me and keeps looking at me. "please no..." I say to him.

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