The Last Day, Her First Memory

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Asher's point of view

Finally done. It's been so long we've been this place, I guess 15 years of coming here daily and leaving. How here we met people we never thought in our wildest dreams we'll meet. Some became friends, some enemies and some reason  to breath. Akanksha. I remembered her laughing face. How she was smiling while looking at me with her peripheral vision. She thought I didn't know that she was checking me out and when I texted her that I know you are checking me out babe, how red hues spread all over her cheeks and ears, the loveliest sight I've ever seen on this earth. A painful smile etched on my lips as I thought how I'll never be able to see her again. A lot happened in these three months. And I lost a piece of my heart and soul, the most important one. I lost the love of my life Akanksha. She died after being in coma for forty five days. Yea I lost her this time forever and ever. She won't be coming back ever and that thought only is enough to squeeze my heart painfully stopping it's beating. I and Roshni broke up after I realised I can't love her ever. Akanksha will be the first and last girl I'll ever love. I don't even know when I started exactly loving her. From what I know,
we were in sixth grade when I first noticed her. She was so different from others. She was 5 feet tall wearing formal men suit. I was amazed at why a girl is wearing that because that blazer was too big for her. She almost looked like a cute penguin. Cute ? I chuckled at my thoughts. Then I asked about her to other classmates. And I came to know she's in drama and she's the narrator. I realised I've heard that drama rehearsal but her voice was so deep and raspy that i thought it was a boy. This girl kept giving me shocks for the rest of day. I sat down around the boys helping them to get ready for the show as I saw that she was making weird faces or I'll say she was trying her best to keep her temper in control and not snap at that teacher. I was noticing how her lips pursed and eyes widened and a wave a anger flashed in her eyes before she composed herself and said that she'll do whatever teacher said. Then I didn't saw her that whole day long at backstage. A teacher asked me to do role of a student who got absent. It was easy I just I'd to sit there doing nothing. I was about to decline as I thought of that crazy girl, if I'll participate in this I can get a close look of her; thinking this and feeling giddy inside I said yes to the role. We all took our respective positions when I heard that deep and raspy voice, her voice.
"It was usual morning in school, as Mrs. Thompson entered in the class, Good morning babies, I love you all......."
It was so deep and beautiful screaming domination and authority that even as a guy I felt jealous. Anyone could say that it was guy backstage. I couldn't focus on her words but I knew that her voice will be the only thing on my mind for days, who knew it'll for years or for forever. Listening to that voice, I was so lost, that, I didn't realise that we were  already doing the last part and our part was coming to end and we all have to leave only the main character and teacher will be there. And main character had to be the groom and it was his wedding day. I was shocked for the nth time this day as I saw someone coming to centre of stage dressed as groom. White suit and her hairs which were like boys were well trimmed and gelled back. She looked like a handsome boy. Now, I understood why she was so angry backstage because she had to be onstage and play the role of husband of her friend, I guess because they seemed close. I had a random thought how she'll look like as bride. I was amazed at my thought because for God sake she was just a sixth grader. We were hardly twelve years old. I felt like laughing at my own thoughts. The program came to an end and I was waiting to just get an eye contact with her. So, I can see those beautiful eyes. I saw her face she was definition of imperfection yet she looked so perfect. Her eyes were kinda small compared to rest of girls still her eyes had double eyelids her eyes looked like honey with lava, molten lava and sunshine. I know I'm sounding weird but that's how her eyes were. They screamed at the same time were still and soft yet showing that she was in power. Her nose was of snub type and her lips were full and heart shaped. Her face was chubby and she looked cute, elegant and classy at same time. I just don't know how she managed to look like that without even trying. Her face was bare of any makeup. Still, she looked so pretty. She was making a place in my heart without letting me know. No matter how much I tried I couldn't get a eye contact, I wanted her to notice me just for once. I wanted her to look at me and smile at me, I was dying to see how her smile will be like? Will her eyes shine as she'll smile as they say in romantic movies or will her smile be enchanting as moonlight. I saw how she was keeping her distance with everyone. She was not being rude but she just didn't like talking much, I guess.
I wake up from my day dreaming when I realised how long I've been sitting here lost in her thoughts. It's last dat of our school. I remember how she used to say that we'll party like crazy when it'll be last examination and how she's gonna break down the whole class; and will definitely break that smart board. I chuckled at her innocent thoughts. I straight went to cafe to grab some caffeine to soothe my headache and get my thoughts together. As I entered in her favourite cafe, I could picture her on the spot she always took, away from everyone's gaze in a secluded corner always reading some dark romance. A waiter approached me as I went through the menu and I saw her all time's favourite 'Black coffee without sugar. Don't forget to make it reaallllyy bitter' my lips unconsciously mumbled that and the waiter looked shocked. When I asked him the reason he shrugged by saying that it was someone's special order and she would always say reaallllyy bitter. I smiled thinking her doing it. I asked him more about that not so unknown customer. And he smiled before answering she was an amazing person. She always used to buy some snacks for the homeless kid. I don't know much about her but she didn't come here for months. Maybe she shifted somewhere else. And he excused himself and went to take order from other table. My eyes stinged thinking how that customer will never come back again because she permanently shifted somewhere else. Shortly, a waitress came and placed my order saying something like enjoy your coffee sir.
I took a sip and instantly thought about her. It's bitter and calming just like her. Now, I could understand why she used to love this so much.
After she did that horrible thing to herself, I was so devastated but slowly hate faded away, her betrayal was the last thing I was thinking about because I'd better things to worry about. I realised I never hated her, it was just my own illusion; I was just angry at everyone. I was to shaken when she broke my heart to think anything. I should have thought there must be some reason why she rejected me. There has to be. I remember her loving gaze her each and every texts her cute annoying actions her adorable cheeks and just her eyes it screamed that she loved me. In anger, i didn't thought about it but now it's all clear there has to be something. And no matter what I'll find out. After a week, I heard in school that she slipped in coma and there are few chances of her waking up. I was devastated and I knew I have to meet her and apologize for my harsh and mean words otherwise my guilt will kill me and I will never be able to look into my eyes. I tried almost everyday but I couldn't get to her floor because of high security in her floor. And then again something really shocking happened to her parents...... and then the news of her death was in school. We prayed for her soul to be happy. There were many campaign held on schools creating awareness about mental health. It was of no use now. My Akanksha was not here with me. I realised how much she was in pain that she killed herself. I don't know much but I don't know she's my everything and her memories are enough to live this life....

How's the chapter lovelies? Hopefully you are liking Asher so far... And do you really think Akanksha is dead? And what happened to her parents? Make sure you comment down your thoughts....
Lots of love 💕

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