Xandra: Yeah, when he gets like that, it's best to give him his space.

Millie: *Nervous chuckle* I'm sorry, you were saying?

Demon Client: *Hands shrugging in his confusion* Well, it's just that I'm sure one of the other camp counselors killed me, I'm just not sure which one...

Moxxie: How could you not know?

Demon Client: I was out on the lake when my boat *Pointing down with both hands* started to sink. Someone *Twirls two fingers to gesture* had drilled holes in it. *Stops* The counselors are the only ones with keys to the boathouse, and they're the only ones who knew I couldn't swim. It had to be them.

While Millie was delightfully smiling, Moxxie had a questionable look on his face about that work. Xandra was looking at the door to Blitzo's office in worry.

Moxxie: Hmm, *Places a finger below his chin* we don't typically do investigations. *Gestures his thumb to Blitzo's office* I'll have to check with the boss.

Xandra: Uh, I don't think it's best to disturb him when he's in one of his mood.

Moxxie ignores her as he moves around the desk behind Millie and stops at the office door before he opens it.

Moxxie: Uh, pardon moi, sir.

Moxxie sees Blitzo flipping his contacts through his rotary address card file. Blitzo was so preoccupied that he didn't look up to Moxxie as he flips through different address files on the rotary.

Blitzo: *Peeved* Not now, Mox.

Moxxie: Sir, *Jabs his thumb behind him* there's a client that needs us to investigate his death, *Claps his hands together* and we don't usually-

Blitzo: *Annoyed* No time!

Moxxie: But, sir, we really need the cashflow, and I was thinking maybe-

Blitzo is now completely irritated with Moxxie interrupting his search that he finally faces him and stopped flipping through his rotary address file.

Blitzo: *Irritated* What part of "NO. FUCKING. TIIME." do you not understand? *Starts flipping back his rotary address file cards* Just handle it yourself. And tell Xandra she'll be monitoring it so you don't fuck up.

Moxxie was now surprised and confused at the same time and points to himself.

Moxxie: You want me to lead? *Gesturing back to his boss* On a hit?

Blitzo is now growing more frustrated with Moxxie and stops flipping his rotary card file while holding his head with one hand to keep cool on what he wanted to say.

Blitzo: I swear on all that is evil, Mox! If you aren't out of my office in negative *Slams both hands on his desk angrily* three seconds-

Moxxie, not wanting to piss off his boss anymore, but also ecstatic of him giving this chance, grabs the doorknob and salutes him.

Moxxie: You GOT IT, sir!

Moxxie closes the door behind him, his face full of sunshine and excitement. He was so excited about this job that his small little iris in his pupils expands out with stars gleaming bright shining. We cut back to the demon client camp counselor, Xandra, and Millie as Moxxie returns with new conference and leans against the desk.

Moxxie: We'll take the case! *Jabs a thumb to himself* And I'll be handling this investigation, personally.

Millie looks on at Moxxie with concern and hesitation of her husband. Xandra on the other hand, looks surprised.

Millie: Honey, are you sure? *Gestures to Blitzo's office* What about Blitzo?

Xandra: Yeah, we never do a job without my boyfriend.

The Devil's In The Detail: Helluva Boss (Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now