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      Hey guys , today is a public holiday happy Independence to Zambia🥳🥳🥳. So I decided to publish this chapter. Hope you enjoy.

         So-nam looked around baffled by his surrounding , "where is this? This isn't Yung?" He appeared to be in some sort of court room,  the night sky above him shimmering with stars and taking a shade of some orange color.

            In Hye appeared next to him , "this is the domain. The realm I dwell in , but specifically the disciplinary committee's trial room." She said with a pokerface expression that took So-nam by surprise never having seen the Old Power looked so stolid.

                 "Mun said Wigen wanted to meet all the counters -."

               "The Yung Counters  are handling their own case," In Hye clarified looking pokerface than So-nam had ever seen her , "I had to pull your spiritual  essence here because the Yung counters are having their own meeting that doesn't pertain to you ," The divine being then gave him a grin expression, "however their antics and yours have also attracted my brethern's attention."

       .             Before So-nam could even ask what she meant he saw different individuals teleporting into the room - the other Old Powers. Some were dressed in Joseon robes like In Hye , a few were donning purple cloaks and some dressed so casually you would think they were human and not some powerful divine being who had been in existence for eons.


               In Hye looked at her counter before taking her place at the panel as a judge , the divine being had never had a human host till date who earned a disciplinary hearing , if anything she was quite embrassed.

              "We are all busy monitoring our avatars and their missions ," a man with well jelled slicked back hair  dressed a business suit  said , "so let's keep it brief , brothers and sisters we are gathered hear to discuss the superfluous behavior of the Yung counters of Jungjin Korea , but mostly the antics and rule breaking the divine counter classified as 12777890APF of our sister In Hye , Park So-nam indulges with his team."

                 "Oh boy." Sonam muttered as he felt like a little kid who had been summoned into the principal's office only difference he was gathered in a room with a scary looking powerful divine entities.

                    Some facial's expressions , especially the guy talking obviously did not believe in taking lenience. Was this because of what he and the others had done ?

Few days earlier ....

         So-nam had gone to Eonni's that night after talking with his uncle and ease dropping on his conversation with Tae sin. He was looking at the photos of garbage at the reservoir where Kim Yeong Nim's body was at.

              The only ones at the shop were Hana , Motak and Ms Chu, apperantly tonight was the death anniversary of Mun's parents so the teenager had gone home to perform the annual ritual. The divine counter felt bad for Mun knowing this year the younger had discovered the actual cause of his parents death and was most probably determined to free his parents souls so they could actually reach peace.

             "Those bastards ," Sonam looked at the photo angrily , "uncle Shin and his accompalinces are seriously pumping garbage into the city's water supply?"

              He drank water from the city supply , heck the whole population of Jungin depended on the water from the Jungjin dam and now he learnt these criminals were literally poisoning the water with toxic garbage.

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