Chapter Twenty One: Fencing Practice

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Third Person POV

Most people at Auradon had a free period and people with that chance often went to the amphitheater, where fencing practice took place. Gwen, Quinn, Allyson and Bea were one of the lucky ones who had a free period.

The girls watched from the second floor of the theatre, looking down at the guys in their yellow and blue sleeveless shirts. Gwen had brought popcorn and was munching on it.

"Carlos, you're with me. Let's go!" Jay announced as everyone got into position. "Rassemblé! Salute! Lower the point. Masks down. En garde."

The girls heard the sound of swords clashing with each other and the thuds of people doing flips over the cubes. The whole time Bea only had eyes for a certain white-haired boy, he moved swiftly and easily.

Gwen put down her popcorn and walked up to Bea. "You like him, don't you?" Bea froze. "Hey. It's okay. I won't tell anyone." Gwen said.

Suddenly a new person joined in. A different-looking body shape than a man's. Gwen guessed it was Lonnie. She fought Jay, eventually taking his sword but giving it back. He placed the blade over his shoulder, interested to know who was under the mask.

Lonnie took her mask off, whipping her hair dramatically, making Gwen roll her eyes while chuckling.

🩷Gwen's POV🩷

"It's Lonnie! Whoo!" The cheerleaders shouted as everybody, including me, clapped. "Not bad." Jay smirked.

"You should put me on the team." Lonnie suggested and he cocked a brow, nodding, perhaps considering it.

"Hey... What?" Jerk Charming came over to burst Lon's dream and wish. "No, no, no. We'll be the laughingstock of the league. And what's gonna happen next? We'll have girls playing tourney? Come on, guys."

"WHAT?!?!?" I stomped down the stairs, got over of the fence that separated the team and us, went over to Jerk Charming and put my hands on my hips.

"So?" Jay stared at him confused as to why it mattered.

"So?" Jerk Charming began taking out the rulebook from his pocket. Pathetic. Who in tartar sauce carries that around like it was a phone?

"So have you not read the rule book? Section two, paragraph three, eleven dash four..'A team will be comprised of a captain and eight men.'Mmm? You should read the rulebook."

He raised the page up in the air, showing everyone. "Okay, yeah, but you're down a man. You know, since, Ben had to leave to do all that king stuff." Lon said.

"Exactly. We're down a man." Chad emphasized the word 'man'

"You son of a-" I kicked Jerk Charming where the sun don't shine and was about to punch him in his stupid face when both Jay and Carlos held me back.

"Jay..." Lon said.

"I'm sorry, Coach trusts me. I'm not gonna stay captain if I just throw out the rulebook." He said, shaking his head, making me roll my eyes. Why don't you make her captain then? They never said a gender for the captain.

"If my mother thought that way, she would've lost the war." Lonnie stated.

Jerk Charming scoffed being the privileged jerk he was. "Tsk. Okay?"

She sighed, beginning to walk off and leave as Jerk Charming shook the rulebook behind her.
"Rulebook, rulebook."

"All right, guys. Practice is over, let's go." Jay announced, patting the prince's arm and letting go of mine.

Everyone began to leave, chatting as they did.
I felt my phone buzz with a text message. I pulled it out of my pocket, standing up straight. It was Lonnie complaining about Jay and Chad.


Can you believe Jay?

Nope. I'll talk to him 4 u if u want.

Would u mind?

No, it's not a problem. I may get to punch him in the process. :)

Thanks sm, A.Q!


It stands for Ace Queen.

I love it. :)

I shut my phone off, before seeing C trying to ask out Bea to Cotillion (again!). Q had already asked Ally out yesterday!

"Bea, Bea, hey!"

"Oh, hey, Carlos. What's up?" Bea said.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Percy and Dude enter and sit on one of the patterned cubes. The two of them were inseparable.

"Uh. " C turned around, hearing the dog bark. "Not much, you?"

"Eh, same. I just need to finish a lot of homework before I help Ben choose decorations and stuff for Cotillion." Bea shrugged.

"Oh, yeah. No, t-that's a bummer. Um...Speaking of Cotillion-" He mumbled.

"I know, that's all everyone talking about. It's getting super annoying. Like what are you gonna wear? Who are you going with? How's your hair gonna look?' It's like they've never been to one." She rambled, quoting what all the girls ask each other.

"Uh... I haven't, actually." Carlos paused her rambling.

"Well, I know. It's just a little irritating with all the talk." She rolled her eyes, playfully grinning.

"Yeah, no, yeah." C nodded his head in understanding.

"Anyway, I gotta bounce. I'lI see you later, Carlos. Nice practice, by the way." Bea giggled, walking off.

C turned to look at the dogs and I. "It wasn't the time isn't it?" "Yup." I said, popping the p. "Anyway, I need to find Jay as soon as possible, by the way." I said, standing up. "See ya later, C."


I got up and left the amphitheater, Percy at my heels.

time skip~

I saw Jay on his phone, leaning on the wall in the corridor.

"Hey, Jay!"

"Oh, what's up, Gwen?" He looked up, shutting off his phone.

"What's up is: 'girls can't be on the team.' Seriously?" I scoffed, punching him in the
arm. Hard.

"Ow! What?" He exclaimed, rubbing his shoulder.

"Use your head! Just make Lonnie the captain. They never said a specific gender." I crossed my arms.

"Fine, I'll think about it." Jay sighed, rolling his eyes at me.

"Yeah, you better, before I think about cutting your head off and turning you into an armour display." I threatened, leaving him in his thoughts.

✔️ The Siblings de Vil (An OCxOC book) (Carlos de Vil x OC) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora