Chapter Thirty-Six

Start from the beginning

"Morning, fellas. They're expecting us upstairs," Sam greeted.

A man in a black suit and tie raised his hand to his ear. "Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers, and James Barnes are here," he said seemingly to himself. There was a moment of pause before he stepped aside.

James swallowed thickly. Earpieces. High security.

Sam waved for the two men to follow him and exhaled heavily. "They aren't playing around," he murmured, glancing back.

"Wonder what they're expecting me to do exactly..." Steve questioned.

"Or me..." James grumbled.

As they reached the elevator, Steve stepped in with Sam and Bucky and they rode it up the conference room floor. Sam led the way as they stepped out, and once they arrived at the room, Steve exhaled a heavy breath.

"Ready?" Sam asked, stopping just next to the door.

Steve looked between Sam and Bucky, taking a moment before he nodded. "Ready."

Sam knocked on the door and when they were beckoned to enter, he opened the door to reveal the Secretary of Defense, Thaddeus Rosa, along with a few other officials and the man now recognized as John Walker.

"Rogers, how good of you to come see us. It's been a while," Ross said as he stood from his chair.

"Well, you haven't called so..." Steve said as he pulled out a chair before turning to face the other blonde-haired man in the room. He held out his hand in usual polite fashion. "I assume you're John?"

John shook Steve's hand firmly. "I am. It's an honor, Mr. Rogers."

"Captain Rogers," Sam corrected, getting a look from Ross but he didn't mind. He'd always be Cap.

Steve nearly smirked at Sam's correction and cleared his throat as he took his hand back. "I'm not retired just yet..." he said to John, holding his eyes for a long few moments before he sat. "But that's what this is, right? Forced retirement?" he asked Ross as he turned to glance in his direction.

"You've been out of action for some time, Captain Rogers," Ross states gruffly.

"You haven't called, Secretary Ross," Steve replied smartly, his eyes narrowed on the man.

"We don't have The Avengers any longer," Ross pointed out gruffly. "You were supposed to check in."

"You knew where I was," Steve argued. "So, what, because I didn't call enough, I'm fired?"

Sam held his hands up, trying to mediate. "Easy..."

"If that's not what it is, then what is it?" James asked, speaking for the first time.

"Mr. Barnes, you are here as nothing but a courtesy to Captain Rogers," Ross replied sternly.

"And he is allowed to speak, especially when he's asking completely valid questions," Steve interjected, stopping for a moment to take a slow breath. He didn't want this to get ugly... not unless it needed to. "Answer the question please. If I'm not being fired, then what is this?"

"You're lucky we allowed Barnes to even be here," Ross countered. "We need someone for the people to see. To know they are safe."

"And suddenly I'm invisible because I'm spending my time in Wakanda?" Steve asked. "Ross, do you forget everything I've done? Does none of that matter all of the sudden?"

"We are well aware of what you have done for our country, Captain Rogers," Ross stated.

Steve actually scoffed and turned to look between Sam and Bucky. "Our country..." he murmured, hands moving to his hips. "What about the universe? Was that not enough for you?"

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