Vincent only feels guilty for how understanding she is when he doesn't know the reason why he can't do anything sexual with her.

"You can always be honest with me, Vinny."

Without thinking, he corrects her. "Vincent."

She is a tiny bit shocked and bewildered at not only the statement but how fast he says it.

"But Hayden calls you–"

"Sorry, but please just call me Vincent," he reasons as an internal battle goes on in his head about why he is so possessive of only Hayden using that nickname.

"Okay," she sighs, pressing a kiss to his shoulder despite not knowing what the big deal is.

She climbs out of bed. Vincent silently watches as Sabrina takes his sweatshirt off the ground and throws it over her head. She politely brings Vincent's shorts back over to him when it's clear that nothing else is going to happen between them tonight.

"Thanks," Vincent mumbles. "And I'm sorry again."

"Don't be," Sabrina expresses sincerely, joining him once again. When Vincent's conflicted attitude doesn't change, Sabrina tries to distract him. "Where's your football sweatshirt? You practically live in that thing."

Vincent cracks a smile at her humor before saying, "Hayden has it."

She scrunches her eyebrows in confusion. "But doesn't he have one of his own?"

"Yep," Vincent chuckles. "He just prefers to wear mine."

"Interesting," Sabrina says under her breath.


"Nothing," she smiles, pecking his lips.

Honestly speaking, Sabrina has no problems with Hayden. She doesn't just like him because he is her boyfriend's best friend, but because he has always made her feel welcome in their already existing friend group. She thinks Hayden is hilarious and has no problem with him crashing the majority of their dates, but Sabrina is growing suspicious of how close the two are.

She isn't accusing either one of anything, but she does strongly believe that Hayden relies too heavily on Vincent.

"So..." Sabrina prompts.

Vincent gives her his complete attention when Sabrina tosses her legs over his. She also grabs his hand and moves it to her back because Vincent isn't exactly a cuddly person, but always complies if Sabrina makes the first move.

"I know that you are sick of me bringing this up, but I really want to talk about meeting your parents again," Sabrina explains.

Vincent sighs and looks away because every time they have this conversation, it always ends the same.

"I mean, how bad can it be?" Sabrina persists. "We've been dating for six months, Vincent. You know everyone in my family, so how is it fair that I know none of yours? I've never even had a chance to meet your little brother and sister who you talk about so much."

"Sabrina," Vincent reasons, staring into her eyes. "I understand where you are coming from, but you have to understand that my family isn't like yours. I mean, fuck, if I could, I would've introduced you a long time ago."

"You can–"

"No, you don't get it," Vincent claims. "I'm not allowed to date. My family is very traditional and I know we are only going to end up hurting if we tell my parents."

Vincent is leaving out a very crucial part of why he won't tell his parents about Sabrina, but he doesn't have the courage to break her heart. Vincent's parents would be disappointed if he didn't come home with an Asian girl. Now, of course, he is only allowed to date to marry so bringing someone home is entirely out of the question for at least five more years. However, Vincent doesn't give a shit about what his parents have to say, especially if they still think so close-mindedly in a country open to all races and identities.

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