Chapter 14

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G E N E R A L  P O V

In the quiet sanctuary of Taehyung's room, where moonlight filtered through the curtains, the air was thick with tension. He had just arrived from his cousin - Yugyeom's - palace, and he had not told his father that he was going to spend a few days there. Thus he is understandably tense.

He expected one of the royal staff to knock any minute now informing him of his requested presence in the throne room, where his father did most of his scoldings.

As the door creaked open, the young prince tensed, expecting to see one of the palace staff. But to his surprise, it was his father, King Demetrius, who entered, his expression a mix of apprehension and determination.

He quickly stood up and curtsied to the King, "Father." He mumbled and kept his head down. It was then when Demetrius' tears fell down his cheeks. The outcome of his actions were presented before him. His own son curstied to him. Outside of the royal setting.

"Li-Lilibet," Demetrius began, his voice softer than Taehyung had ever heard it. "May I speak with you?"

Taehyung's eyes widened, not only at the tone his father used, but also the name he used to address him. Demetrius had never referred to Taehyung as anything besides Eudora.

"Of course, Father." Taehyung said and gestures for his father to sit on one of the couches that were not far from where they were standing.

Demetrius took a hesitant step closer, his eyes fixed on his son. "I... I want to apologize, Lilibet. I realize that I have been too strict on you, and I've made your life more difficult than it needed to be."

Taehyung blinked in surprise. He stopped dead in his tracks as he was about to go sit down, before turning around to face his father. He had expected another lecture or more demands, but he hadn't anticipated an apology. "A-Apologize?"

The King nodded, his voice filled with remorse. "Yes, for all the times I pushed you too hard, for the charity drive I made you plan with limited resources. I see now that it was unfair, and I should have been more supportive. And for all the other things as well."

"I know just a single apology will not undo years worth of mistreatment, but I'm deeply sorry son."

The young prince couldn't believe his ears. His father, who had always been a no-nonsense disciplinarian, was acknowledging his mistakes and apologizing. It was a moment he had never imagined.

"I appreciate your apology, Father," Taehyung replied, his voice cautious. "But why this change of heart?"

Demetrius sighed, his shoulders slumping with the weight of his own self-reflection. He walked towards the offered chair and sat down before gesturing for his son to join him.

"I've come to realize that family is more important than anything else. I don't want to see you grow distant from us, and I want to support you in pursuing your dreams and aspirations. I want to be a father. Your father."

Taehyung's guard began to soften as he saw the sincerity in his father's eyes. "Thank you, Father."

With that, Demetrius extended his arms towards his last born son. "Lilibet, may I call you by that name? It's the name that makes you feel comfortable, and I want to honor that."

Taehyung's heart swelled with emotion, and he nodded, tears welling in his eyes. "Yes, Father. You can call me Lilibet. I'd appreciate that."

"It's not that I don't love my other names but-" He tried to explain but he was cut off by his father who pulled him into an embrace. "You don't have to explain son. I understand."

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