Chapter Six

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Evelyn immediately texted Marie.
                    MARIE HELP RIGHT NOW

Marie responded quickly with 'Be there now'
Evelyn dropped her phone and covered her face with her hands. It was 100% wrong. They barely knew eachother, but the way Alessia looked at her and made her feel, was like nobody else could. Just before she'd left, Evelyn was so close to kissing her and, well..

Marie arrived pretty quickly, immediately coming into her bedroom. Evelyn started crying and told her everything. She didn't actually know why she was crying, it was probably a combination of frustration and being so ill. Her best friend cuddling her made it better though.
"So, why didn't you kiss her" Marie asked, her green eyes squinting in confusion.
"I don't know, I mean, you and Luke knew eachother for like a day before you started fucking so a week isn't bad in comparison"
"Yeah but that was different" Luke was Marie's boyfriend, Marie didn't often make good choices.
"Oh was it a love at first sight scenario" Evelyn teased the girl "Did you two lock eyes across the room and then find yourselves in a broom closet"
The girls broke into giggles. They talked for hours about their bad choices.
"But she is sweet, she brought me tea for one" Evelyn defended Alessia "And she stayed with me while I slept"
"Then phone her" Marie muttered, knowing the brown haired girl will find some excuse not to.
"But what if I upset her earlier?" Evelyn groaned
"You won't ever know if you don't phone her"
"Fine" Evelyn grumbled. She got the contact up on her phone, giving herself a moment to prepare for what was to come.
She pressed the call icon and put the phone up to her ear. The phone rang for what seemed like an eternity
"Hey" Alessia's voice peirced through Evelyn's thoughts.
"Oh hey, I was wondering if you're free to, well, talk?" She could hear her voice wobbling, worried about what Alessia's response would be
"Yeah sure, I'll be round in a bit"
"Okay, bye"
Evelyn hung up and Marie looked at her expectantly "She's coming round in a bit, so you need to go"
"How rude" Marie feigned offence for a few seconds before giving her a kiss on the cheek "Text me if you need me"
"Will do" Evelyn smiled at the girl.

When Alessia said 'a bit' she meant more 'a few hours'
Still, Evelyn couldn't complain, she did invite her round. It was gone 7 when Alessia eventually turned up. It being October, the sun had already faded from the sky.
Evelyn invited Alessia in and unlike earlier, they went to the living room.
"If what happens before keeps happening then I don't think we can be friends" Evelyn was blunt, but it needed to be said.
"You're joking" Alessia had a look of disbelief on her face "It wasn't me who invited you to my bedroom and then hugged me"
"You literally were about to kiss me, you genuinely cannot blame this on me"
"I was being nice and now you're saying we can't be friends, I can most certainly blame this on you"
Their argument just kept escalating, both of them losing sight of what it was originally about.
"Oh my god, can you just fuck off already" Evelyn storms off to her bedroom and slams the door "Just get the fuck out of my house" She yells
"So is this it? Are we just not friends anymore? Just because of some stupid mistake" Alessia opens the previously slammed door, following Evelyn to her bedroom.
"Did you not hear me when I said 'fuck off'" Evelyn stands straight, attempting (unsuccessfully) to match the blonde girl's height.
"I did, I just think you're being completely irrational, you wanted to kiss as much as I did"
"There's where you're wrong" Evelyn's throat hurts from all the shouting "I didn't want to kiss you, all I wanted was to be friends"
They were stood infront of the window, toe to toe arguing, for anyone to see.
"So if I kissed you, you're saying you wouldn't kiss me"
"There we go you're not as dumb as you look" Evelyn immediately regretted saying that and starting faltering, trying to say sorry.
Alessia laughs "Yeah well we both know that's not true"
She was right, Evelyn would give anything to kiss her.
"Fine, I'll 'fuck off' as you so politely put it" Alessia leaves.

Evelyn coughs, it was a bad habit of hers to smoke when she was stressed. She was regretting the words that she said to Alessia and trying to remember where she lived from when they went there. All she wanted to do was apologise. She remembered the street but not the number, hopefully she'd remember when she got there.

Finding the building was a lot easier said than done. She ended up knocking on one of Alessia's neighbours doors before she got the door right.
Evelyn knocked on door, tapping her foot on the stone steps. She was in a much fancier part of London, compared to where she lived.
When the door opened and Alessia saw who it was, she tried to close it.
"Wait please" Evelyn tried to put her hand in the way but ended up just missing it. She knocked again and texted her 'I'm not leaving until we talk.'
The door opened after a few more minutes. Alessia invited her in.
"To what do I owe the pleasure" Her tone was laced with venom.
"I'm sorry about earlier" Evelyn bit her lip "I didn't mean what I said, we both know you're incredibly beautiful and smart"
"Anything else you're sorry for" Alessia was clearly looking for an apology for the kiss. Or the non-kiss.
"Yeah, I'm sorry for saying it was your fault" She looked at her feet "It wasn't true"
"Apology hug?" Alessia smiled
"Sure" Evelyn wrapped her arms around the taller girl "I've probably given you my cold"
"It was worth it, I got to spend time with you" She pulls away.
"I forgot how absolutely huge your house is man"
A comfortable silence engulfs the house.
Evelyn points to the door "I'll go but text me yeah"
She headed for the door and looks at the insane amount of locks on it "What the fuck are all these locks for?"
"Weird men who want to come into my house and kiss me" Evelyn picked up a slight tone in her sentance
"Is that meant to mean something" She turns to look at Alessia, who was flicking on her phone
"Oh nothing, just about other people having crushes on me"
Evelyn clearly had a very short temper when it came to this girl.
"I apologised what more do you want"
Alessia looked at Evelyn as if it was clear. When all she got back was a blank stare she put her phone down and muttered "Oh my god"
She walked over to Evelyn, waiting for her to pick up on what she was referring to.
Alessia rolled her eyes and tilted Evelyn's face up, so she could reach her.
Evelyn's heart rate increased as she caught on, her hands finding their place on the back of Alessia's neck, pulling her in. She felt her back press against the door and the locks press into her, but that was the least of her worries.
Alessia finally pressed her mouth onto Evelyn's. As soon as this happened, Eveyn knew she needed more. Her hands on Alessia's neck moved upwards to pull, gently, at her hair. Her movement forced Alessia to tilt her head upwards, making it easier for her to nip at her neck.
"Fuck" The breathlessness of Alessia's voice caught Evelyn off guard.
"Is this okay" She asked, concerned she'd hurt her.
"What kind of question is that" Alessia's head came back down and began kissing Evelyn again.

Alessia pushed Evelyn back onto her bed, taking off her boots and then started undoing her shirt.
"Tell me at any point if you want me to stop" She looked up at Evelyn
"Alessia, why would I want you to stop"
"Call me Less or Lessi, everyone else does."
"I prefer your full name, it's sexier"
Alessia came up for a kiss and gave Evelyn time to start undressing her.
Evelyn moaned as the blonde started to kiss down the valley of her breasts, discovering her tattoo.
"Fuck me" Alessia gasped and started to trace the outline with her tongue "I can't even, you're going to kill me"
"Yeah well, death by sex would be a good death" Evelyn joked
"Can I" Alessia pointed to her jeans, asking if she could unbutton them
"Get on with it I can't wait any longer" She moved further down the bed trying to make it easier.
"Are you sure you want to do this" She checked, for what seemed like the billionth time.
"Yes now just shut up and kiss me" Evelyn instructed.

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