Chapter Five

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So I dont really do A/Ns but real quick right, I'M SORRY IF THE TEXT BITS LAST CHAPTER WERE CONFUSING. I write on laptop right so I didnt think to check on my phone before publishing it to see how fucked it looked and if you saw it before I fixed it IT WAS SO BAD. Anyway, all in all I'm super pleased with the book so far! (Except this chapter, it just didn't feel right)


When Evelyn got home, it was hell. All she could think was 'holy fucking shit, what the fuck have I done' She was panicking.
So Evelyn decided to invite her best friend over so she could annoy her by constantly complaining about it.

"Marie, can you come over?" Evelyn spoke down the phone, crossing her fingers it'd be a yes.
"No sorry, I'm with Luke right now" Marie replied "I'll be over tomorrow though!"
Evelyn groaned and chucked her phone down on the sofa, before slumping down on it herself.
After a few minutes of laying face down, she picked up the TV remote and flicked around, looking for something to watch. She was recently obsessed with watching Modern Family and then binged them all in one go, so now she has nothing else to watch.
Evelyn decides on napping instead so she turns the TV off and pulls the blanket over herself.

The phone ringing forces the journalist to wake up. She yawns and answers the phone.
"Hello" Evelyn answers, groggily.
"When were you planning on telling me that you met Russo???" Her sister quizzes down the phone "You know I love her"
"I was going to tell you when I saw you next" Evelyn takes a sip of her water "Look honestly, I barely know her"
"That's not what the daily mail are saying" Helena pauses "There's a photo of you and her by your car"
Evelyn groans "Fine, I've met her a few times, I promise next time that I'll tell her about you"
"Thank you" Helena laughs "That's all I wanted"
"So what's the photo?"
"It's on the internet, look up 'Alessia Russo and journalist and you should come up'"
"Brilliant, thanks for this heart-to-heart Hels, you're so lovely to me" Evelyn's sarcastic tone made it's way down the phone.
"Yeah, bye" Helena came across as rude, but she was genuinely a nice person.
Evelyn looked up the photo to see if her sister was telling the truth and she was. The top article read:
Arsenal and England Superstar Alessia Russo seen getting quite close with journalist at the opening match.
She quickly skimmed the article picking out a few key words and phrases.
"More than friends?"
"Relationship on horizon?"
She sighed and texted Marie about the story.

Evelyn woke up the next day with a pounding headache. It was so bad that she decided to ask Tony if she could work from home. By 'from home' she did mean 'from her bed' but she couldn't really say that.
She went into her kitchen and took paracetamol, looking for an escape from the pain. She got her laptop out from her bag and went back to her room. She spent a few hours huddled up in her room with her duvet pulled over the top of her. Her phone rang and it took a good few seconds for her to recognise that it was something different than the ringing in her ears.
Evelyn sniffled and answered it "Hello?"
"Hey its Alessia" She always seemed to be happy judging by her tone of voice.
She coughed and spoke again "Sorry, I've got a cold. How are you?"
"I'm good, clearly unlike you" Alessia paused "My dad always made this herbal tea for us whenever we got a cold"
"We?" Evelyn questioned
"Yeah, me and my brothers" There was some noise in the background
"You have brothers?" She clearly knew nothing about the other girl.
"Yeah, two"  There was a pause before she exclaimed "Found it! I knew I had a pot of the herbs somewhere. Text me your address and I'll be there as quick as I can"
Alessia hung up before Evelyn could protest, but some homemade tea did sound nice.
Evelyn created Alessia's contact and texted her the address.
Alessia responded with "Be there soon!"
Evelyn sneezed and went to brush her teeth. She was ill but she still had standards.

A knock at the door woke Evelyn up, she wasn't asleep but was sort of drifting in and out. She went downstairs and invited the footballer in.
"Sorry, I'm not being anti-social, I just feel like absolute shit so can you just bring it to me in my bedroom? Pretty please" Evelyn asked, the thought not even crossing her mind that there was something wrong with what she said.
Alessia turned a slight pink and stuttered before answering "Yeah sure"
Evelyn went back to bed and put a gardening show on. She was falling asleep again when Alessia entered her bedroom tentatively.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you" She whispered "I've brought you that tea and some garlic"
"Garlic?" Evelyn started coughing.
"Garlic is an antibacterial" Alessia put the things down on the bedside table. "It'll cure your cold"
"Thank you so much" Evelyn wants to cry, nobody has ever done something like that for her before.
"What are you watching?" Alessia sits by her on the bed
"It's a gardening show but I fell asleep so I'm not entirely sure what's going on" She laughs.
Alessia hums and settles down, her eyes focused on the TV.
Evelyn took a sip from her mug and immediately coughs "Fucking hell, what did you put in this?"
"It's like thyme, sage and mint." She replied, still not tearing her eyes off the screen.
They sat in a comfortable silence, watching the program together.

When Evelyn woke up, Alessia was still there, just flicking around on her phone, Alessia's arm resting on her shoulder
Evelyn yawned and lifted her head up, causing Alessia to swiftly remove her arm. Evelyn glanced at the phone in the blonde's hand. She was just scrolling on instagram.
"Thank you" Evelyn's voice was incredibly hoarse "The tea was lovely"
"You didn't even drink all of it, I had to finish it" Alessia puts her phone down and starts getting up "I better be off then"
"Wait" Evelyn put her hand on Alessia's arm. She was so beautiful. Evelyn had never met anyone like her before. "My little sister absolutely adores you"
"Really?" Alessia looks a bit stunned.
"Yeah" Evelyn became aware of her hand still on Alessia's arm. She sat up on her knees, facing the blonde girl "Thank you hug?"
Alessia laughed and wrapped her arms around Evelyn's frame. She held on for a little longer than necessary and when they pulled away, Alessia was blushing a deep red. And considering that Evelyn's face felt like it was on fire, she was probably a similar shade.
Evelyn's eyes flicked to her lips. She knew that it was wrong, she barely knew her. But there was this connection, and there was moments like today, when it felt like they were the only 2 people in the world.
Alessia pulled Evelyn closer to her, the sweet smell of her perfume engraving itself into Evelyn's mind. The blonde's eyes were intensely staring into Evelyn's eyes.
Evelyn coughed, breaking the moment. "Fuck, sorry" She swore
"I really better go" Alessia scrambled to get her coat. "I'll text you or something"

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