Chapter Two

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As Evelyn arrived at the Emirates it started to chuck it down with rain. She was already a bit behind time and had to get setup. She sighed and grabbed her bag, bracing herself for the lashing rain. She dashed out of her car and legged it into the stadium.
Her navy jumper was absolutely drenched when she made it into the reception so she pulled it off and shoved it into her bag praying that it wouldn't break her phone or soak her books. She signed in with the registration book and headed down to the training pitch. She found that people are more likely to open up if they're in an environment where they feel comfortable. She gets her phone out (which luckily wasn't water damaged) and checks the list of footballers that she'll be interviewing. She was starting with one of the players that had already been at Arsenal, Katie McCabe. She waited for the footballer to arrive and they got started.
"Hiya Katie take a seat" Evelyn smiled at the Irish girl "I won't take up too much of your time, I'm sure you're a busy person"
"Take all the time you need, I'm already a pro at the stuff we're practicing" She joked, putting Evelyn at ease.
"So Katie, you've been with Arsenal 8 years now" She checked her list "Did you always know you wanted to play for Arsenal?"
"Well, I always wanted to play football and when I got the Arsenal offer, it just felt like fate you know? I could've gone to play with City or Glasgow but I just knew that Arsenal was right."
Evelyn smiled, feigning interest in the topic "Thats lovely"
They spoke about the other topics until their time was up
"Thank you for finding time to speak with me today, Katie"
Evelyn checks her list for the next person, it was one of the new transfers Kyra Cooney-Cross.
"Nice to meet you Kyra, take a seat" Evelyn smiles, already regretting volunteering. "So, I've got a few questions for you but let's start with.." She pauses "Would you rather win the next 2 European tournaments and Arsenal get relegated or win the league and lose the next 2 European tournament finals?"
The Australian smiled and began to answer the question.

Evelyn gradually made her way through the list until she got to the bottom. Alessia Russo. She perked up a bit seeing that name, the reason she was so interested in Russo was her little sister, Helena. Yeah, her parents had a weird obsession with old names. Helena was Evelyn's polar opposite. Helena adored football, when she was a kid she used to play matches for their primary school. She didn't persue football and is now in university training to become a teacher, not even a PE teacher, an English teacher of all things. Helena was Russo's biggest fan so she would die when Evelyn told her that she had interviewed her.
"Hi Alessia, take a seat" Evelyn skimmed over Alessia's kit. The Arsenal red suited her. She was very pretty, Evelyn could almost see why Helena adored her so much. "So I'm going to ask you a few questions, is that okay?"
"Yeah of course" She had a beautiful smile and wow, those eyes. Evelyn was in awe of how beautiful she was.
"So, was it always your dream to play for Arsenal?" Evelyn couldn't take her eyes off of her.
"If I'm being honest, no" Alessia laughed, her voice was so melodic. "My dream as a kid was to play for Manchester United and I did, it was brillaint, but when Arsenal offered me this contract" She took a breath "I just knew it was the right decision for my career. I'll obviously miss my friends at United but it was too good to turn down"
"I see" Evelyn grabs her pen and takes some notes "Obviously England recently lost the World Cup Final, how did you feel about that? Especially after your previous Euro's win."
"It was hard to see all of our fans so dissapointed but we move through it and power on" She meets Evelyn's eyes "I wanted to make the fans happy and I think I speak for most of the England team when we say that we tried our hardest"
"That's very inspirational" Evelyn flicked her eyes down to her notebook "Speaking of inspiration, how do you hope to inspire young girls to join the academy?"
"I want everyone to have a fair shot at joining the acadamy, no matter if they're a girl or boy, they should all be given the same chance" She smiled
"Thank you Alessia." Evelyn shut her notebook "That's sadly all we have time for"
"That's a shame, I enjoyed talking to you"
Evelyn couldn't tell if that had a slightly flirty undertone, so she decided to go with a neutral response "Yeah me too. I'll give you my work number in case you want to do another interview" She tears a page out of her notebook and writes her work number on it. "Here" Evelyn smiled and checked the time. 4:10. "Shit, I really need to go now but have a nice week and I'll see you soon"

Evelyn raced to her car praying for no traffic, unfortunately this is London. She got back to the office with 5 minutes to spare before the meeting. She got into the meeting room just as it was about to start.
"Right. Thank you all for attending" The finance manager begins "So as you all know, the company has been under a lot of pressure recently" He takes a deep breath "We unfortunately have not made our monthy targets. Which means we will be letting some of you go"
The rest of the meeting was a blur. All she could think was about was her impending unemployment. She knew that there were much better writers and people who contributed more to the company than her.
The meeting ended after more discussions about the upcoming cuts.
Evelyn knew she had to get her name out there and write some outstanding articles. Although nature was her passion, the football articles got much more reads which would bring in more money for the company.
She just needed to get close to a footballer.

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