Chapter 6: Recovery

Start from the beginning

"Ah... confused mostly," I admitted. "And... a little uncomfortable with a tube shoved inside of me."

Saya-taicho snorted at my frankness before shaking her head and making a note. "Once I finish my checkup, we can work on getting that out of you and walking a bit," she assured me. "What is the last thing you remember?"

"Well, we were assaulting the enemy base on Tensei Bridge, we had successfully gained entry and we were in a pitched battle trying to open the gates, I had ended up fighting a... jonin I think it was?" I said, frowning a bit in thought before shaking my head. "A lot of it's a blur, but the last thing I remember was cutting that bitch's head off before falling unconscious."

Saya-taicho nodded in approval as she made several more notes on her clipboard. "That's better than what most do when first coming out of a week-long nap," she informed me with a grin, getting a chuckle out of me. "Saw the ending to that little spat you had with her, especially the applying your chakra scalpel to a weapon, devastating result. Orochimaru was curious as to what your little improvised jutsu did and performed an autopsy and sent a report along, your 'little' cut mutilated the woman's lungs, hell, it would've taken someone on the level of Tsunade-sama to save her."

I stared wide-eyed at Saya-taicho in response. "What?" I questioned in surprise.

Saya-taicho nodded in confirmation. "Hokage-sama has classified it as your personal jutsu for the time being," she explained to me, patting my leg. "Congrats, not many make their own jutsu before they hit their teen years," she said teasingly. "Anyways, your left humerus had been broken in half by the time I had gotten to you, along with severe bruising on a couple of your organs and cracked ribs," she listed. "And you managed to pick up a minor infection when you were fighting her as well along with giving yourself minor chakra exhaustion on top of that, all said and done, you were completely fucked over and lived to tell the tale."

I couldn't help but giggle at Taicho's words, getting a grin from the woman. "So... how long am I trapped for?" I questioned as I looked around the room.

"Three days at the shortest," she told me after a moment. "You're fully healed, I just want to make sure you're mobile before sending you back out, and you'll be on medical leave for a month after that," she raised a hand to forestall my protest. "Hokage's orders, you're also going to be meeting a psychiatrist to go over your two near-death experiences to make sure you are still mentally stable."

Taicho smiled indulgently as I let out a groan and slumped back into the bed with a pout on my face. "My team?" I questioned nervously.

"Alive and well," she assured with a smile. "Still on the front lines, they weren't injured during the mop-up operation."

"So we captured the base then?" I asked for confirmation, getting a nod in confirmation.

Taicho chuckled as I yawned suddenly, unable to keep my eyes open. "Get some sleep, Yuriko-chan, you earned it."

Nodding blearily, too tired to argue, I slumped back against my bed and drifted off into a deep slumber.

Hospitals are boring as fuck when you are a patient, this is a universal fact accepted and agreed upon by everyone, hell an Iwa shinobi would even agree with a Konoha shinobi on it!

That was why TVs had been first brought into the hospital rooms, to give the patients something to distract themselves from their boredom. Unfortunately for this plan, daytime TV to a shinobi was boring as fuck.

Soap Operas like 'The Young and the Ninja were terribly inaccurate and an insult to seduction specialists everywhere. 'Shinobi Stunts' is a civilian show where other civilian pulls some stunts shinobi do in their everyday life? Good for a chuckle or two, but still boring.

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