Through the column of mist, bahamut spies what appears tobe a gargantuan hole in the sea. Immense waterfalls form a near perfect circle, roaring thunderously into a chasm of epic proportion. It appears to be a mile wide, maybe more. As bahamut and Toothless who arrived with the light fury squints, perplexed, the Light Fury and the night fury turn to them, uttering softly: "Our home."

Bahamut stares at them, nodding inunderstanding. He gurgles back: "Take us there." She grabs hold of his talons, surprising bahamut. Together they tumble through the air like fighting eagles, dizzily plunging into the mist of the vast hole... and disappearing into its mysterious depths)

New Berk

(A pair of tankards smash together. Frothy mead spills everywhere)

Hoark: To the chief!

(Roaring whoops fill the air. Y/n is jostled on the shoulders of merry Vikings, carried through the toasting crowd. They toss Y/n up in the air in celebration, sending him higher with each throw)

Ack: To the chief!

Phlegma: Oh, a chip off the old block!

Spitelout: Stoick would be proud!

(As sun sets on New Berk, a feast rages in full swing. A bonfire roars in the center of the plaza. Buildings stand in mid-construction as the raucous Berkians celebrate the day's work in true Viking fashion. Dragons join in on the fun)

Y/n: Okay guys, now i'm just getting sick.

(They set Y/n down. He laughs half heartedly and stumbles, stifling some vomit. Gobber scoops Y/n close, throwing his prosthetic mug attachment around him, spilling mead allover Y/n)

Gobber: Gotta say, I thought you were well off yer rocker, but this spot ain't half bad.

Y/n: This was supposed to be a temporary solution gobber.

(Eret walks up, taking in the merriment with a smile)

Eret: It's unanimous, everyone agrees we've definitely traded up. Well done, Chief.

(Y/n laughs nervously, but continues to eye the sky, antsy, his mind elsewhere)

Y/n: What if toothless' tail broke? What if grimmel found them? What if they need me and hicca?

(Gobber swipes a tankard of mead from a passing Viking and shoves it in Y/n's hands)

Gobber: Would you relax? They are probably having the time of their life.

Y/n: How would i know? They never come around. And when they do, they're always rushing off. I'm saying, how do we know if they're right for us.

(Gobber rises an eyebrow)

Gobber: Us?

(Y/n shrugs off Gobber's arm and hands the tankard to another passing Viking. He takes it happily, swilling as he staggers off)

Y/n: You know what I mean. They are so wild and skittish. I'm just gonna say it-- I don't really trust them and hicca doesn't either.

(Gobber laughs heartily)

Gobber: Can't tame 'em all, Y/n. Oneday, you and hicca have to snip those apron strings and let Toothless and bahamut stretch their wings. Reminds me of a talk I had with Stoick about you and hicca.

(The advice sits poorly with Y/n. Gobber notices a pack of Hobgobblers, eyeing him from the bushes, their blank eyes glimmering in the light of the bonfire)

Gobber: Gah! Where do they keep comingfrom?!

Y/n: Who?

(Y/n glances at the underbrush. They're gone)

Gobber: Those bloody Hobgobblers! I swear they're popping up faster than rabbits.

(Y/n grins, shaking his head)

Gobber: I think they want to eat me. Evidence would suggest I'm tasty.

(He wiggles his prosthetic arm and wooden leg as proof. Tuff pops in from out of nowhere, startling them)

Tuff: N/n. A moment? Listen, I've been watching hicca walk. How am i going to tell her to lose that limp. You aren't going to marry that.

Y/n: She has a prosthetic leg tuff.

Gobber: So have i!

Tuff: And I have a parasitic twin, but you don't see me limping around about it. C'mon.

(They continue to walk back toward the village. Gobber trails behind, still looking around anxiously. He glances back over his shoulder and suddenly, the pathway is full of Hobgobblers again. He yelps and runs off)

Tuff: Chin up, N/n. Puff out thatchest. Move that butt to the left a little bit.

(Suddenly, Cloudjumper flaps past them. He comes to a landingin the center of the plaza, clearly injured. Valka dismounts, looking disheveled. Y/n heads over with hicca who saw couldjumper, concerned)

Hicca: Mom!

Y/n: Valka!

Hicca: Are you hurt? What happened out there?

(Astrid joins, looking alarmed)

Valka: I don't know how, but Grimmel is tracking us.

Gobber: Gah! This is all because of the Hobgobblers!

Hicca: Gobber. Quiet!

Valka: He has a hundred ships - maybe more. With enough cages for all of our dragons

(Y/n's brow furrows as he tries to come up with a plan)

Y/n: If Grimmel is leading them here, wehave to take him out of the mix.

Tuff: Uh, and how would we do that?

Y/n: By going there to capture him.

Gobber: Capture him?

(The group goes silent, grimacing at the dubious plan)




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Word Count: 1431

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