Just Like My Brother

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Song Used:  Hitorinbo Envy (English cover)

{{ This Chapter mentions historical information about MPAJA which infact is a communist ☭ guerrilla army found during the Japanese Empire invasion of Malaya.  Keep in mind my work is for Readers, not for copycats. My work has mentions of violence and if you are severely avoiding any of the content listed in this chapter or Section, You may excuse yourself. My goal is to make my readers interested in history and put it in a way to immerse you guys into the setting of the story, no matter what time, where or how. Thank you for understanding this and you may read this chapter ^^}}

" Just Like His Brother."

Those words mumbled in Indo's head. He thought once more and pictured MPAJA in his mind. He appeared as a freaking tall man who entered a dark enclosed room and beamed with delight. His sweet looking smile attracted thousands, but all that happiness withered away...

Like a dead hibiscus flower....

When Japanese soldiers... killed millions of lives.

Invaded most of Malaya...


Time skip to present time (idk what tf is wrong with me)


"God, It's raining. Get in the car." Singa said, opening the car door letting Mal in and driving off, leaving Indo alone in the rain with an umbrella. 

"Your brother." Indonesia mumbled silently. "Beware MPAJA."

--------- At The Malaya Mansion--------

"This is your house. Looks traditional to me..." Singa questioned, dropping off Malaysia. 

"Yeah, I'll repaint the walls if I can. Anyways, Selamat Hari Jadi, Singapura. " Malaysia said, waving goodbye to Singapore. 

In front of the Malaysian was a big, wooden traditional house. The doors was locked so he pushed the straight knob open and took off his shoes. He switched on the lap inside and dropped himself on the couch. His hair was wet with rainwater dripping down from his bangs. 

His sister arrived in time and when she opened the door she dropped in shock. 

"My goodness Mal, How did you get wet?" E.M asked.

"Rain." Mal replied. 

"Do you want teh tarik?" MPAJA said, appearing out of nowhere.

"Yeah sure, thank you abang." Mal thanked.

"You are welcome ^ ^." MPAJA said, going to the kitchen and making teh tarik. 

"No one knew who you were sister."  Mal said.

"I know right, I normally work with the countries who import their goods to us. You work with an organization. I guess meeting your colleagues was a heartwarming experience." E.M said, smiling. 

A few minutes later MPAJA came back from the kitchen to the living room and served a tall cup of teh tarik to his brother. 

"Waahhhh, terima kasih brother!" Malaysia said, appreciating his brother's creation. 

MPAJA didn't say anything, he only smiled. 

"I can do anything for him with one personality, but me and my brother can stab others with another personality." 

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