"She?" Lorenzo asks.

"She'll get to that in a moment," Grim states, sending him a thankful smile, I continue.

"While I was puking, she came in and was just talking to me, about how she was going to do anything and then how I ruined everything," I explained. "Talking about how she was back to square one and she wasn't going to stop until she got what she wanted. That she almost had it before I got here."

"I'm sorry," Lucifer whispers, kissing my shoulder as he continues hugging me.

"While she was talking, even when the light was on her, I couldn't see her face, but she moved and strands of black hair framed the hood," I tell them. "It was like she wanted me to see it, and her voice was raspy, it broke at one point too."

"Was there anything that really stuck out to you?" Harium asks.

"She was just really upset, saying that she had a plan and I fucked it up," I mumble, my arms wrapping around my stomach as I feel myself starting to get hungry again.

"Okay, everyone leave except Iz," Lucifer states. Without a word, the three guys head out of the door. Seconds later, the door opens again, a maid bringing in a bowl of soup, placing it down and heading back out. Softly moving me to the side, Lucifer grabs the bowl, "eat."

"Yes sir," I salute, laughing when I see his eyes grow dark for a second.

"Gross," Iz states, as she walks and sits on the side of the bed closest to me. "Don't eat this too fast."

Taking a spoonful of the soup, I enjoy the warmth it brings me as I slowly eat it.

"What do you think it could be?" Lucifer asks, looking over his way I see him staring at me as I take another spoonful. A soft blush taking over my features at his intense stare.

"Honestly, my guess is that she used the flower in the drink like she did on the arrows," Iz sighs, her eyes also focusing on me.

"Okay, both of you need to stop staring at m-" before I could finish my statement, I rushed into the bathroom. Hurling up the little bit I did eat as a sob leaves my lips.

Feeling my hair being picked up as I curl around the toilet seat again, I slowly breathe through my mouth, not daring to breathe through my nose. Wiping my mouth, I groan as I flush the toilet.

"I really fucking hate this," I groan, taking the glass of water from Iz with a smile.

Taking a sip, I place the water down, laying down on the cold tile as Lucifer moves out of my way. Looking up, I try to give him a reassuring smile as he straightens up, looking at Iz.

"Yeah, it has to be the flower, but the cure would need another flower, and to be completely fair with what Grim was telling me earlier, I don't trust the ones in the castle," she tells us, sitting on the edge of the bath.

I'm gonna take a bath after they leave.

"So you guys need to go past the city to get some more," Lucifer mutters, leaning against the bathroom door, staring at me again.

"Nope," Isabania sighs. "You and Grim are going out there, even Harium, but I am not leaving her side."

"I am not leaving her," Lucifer snaps, his eyes glowing red as he looks at his friend.

"I could use some girl time," I whisper, starting to get up but leaning back down when my head starts to spin. I watch as Lucifer snaps his gaze to me, his features softening and his eyes going back to their natural color.

"See Lucifer, she needs some girl time," Iz states, giving me a wink before I close my eyes. Smiling at the cold tiles on my sweating back.

"Please Lucifer, I just want this to be done," I tell him, not opening my eyes.

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