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Slightly elevating your right foot, you hopped in the depths of the village. 

Every sorry excuse for a step seemed to remind you of the stupid thinking you were doing earlier. I mean, jumping out of a window is fine but off of the roof of a CASTLE?!, You thought. 

You limped for what felt like hours, never lowering your guard and never stopping. It was your fault that you were hurt in the first place. If you had thought rationally, you would have probably been long gone from this place by now. But you weren't. So why waste time resting?

You looked behind you a few times, just in case anyone might have found you or recognized you. Nobody was there, so that was a good sign.

Though, you weren't sure what you would do if there was someone following you. You weren't exactly in the best condition to fight. 

At one point, you almost walked right into the home of a blacksmith. His only source of light was a modern lantern, which seemed to be what had pulled you in. The man had dark skin and a big white beard. You only really got a glimpse of his big, green shirt and his calm, warm expression before you scurried off so he didn't see you. 

Finally, after what seemed like forever, there came a time when you noticed that there was no more village to hide upon. 

You had left the maze of the mysterious town and found yourself facing what seemed to be a forest. 

At that, you finally collapsed onto a nearby boulder and let out a groan of exhaustion. 

Now wasn't the time to make more stupid decisions. There was no way you would be able to find your way through that forest at this hour. You would have to wait it out. 

...But you couldn't just stay out in the open, could you?

Maybe going into the forest wasn't a bad idea. 

So there you were, limping into the depths of the barely visible forest in front of you. 

After a minute, you blinked, then gave yourself a hard slap on the cheek. 

No further, you told yourself. Or else that'll be another dumb decision to add to the list. 

And so there you were, siting down and resting your back against the rough exterior of a tree. 

Surprisingly, after all that, although your body was exhausted, you weren't the least bit tired. So you decided to take that time to reflect. 

What were you doing here?

When no answer came to mind, you thought of a different question. What was the last thing you remembered before all this happened? 

No answer for that, either. 

It was like a big part of your memory had been wiped clean. All you could truly remember was that the nightdress you were wearing was definitely not yours, and that somebody had brought you to that room in the palace and probably cleaned you up. But who?

Well, those guards from earlier had addressed you as, 'Your Majesty' by mistake during your great escape. There's also the fact that you woke up in a huge bedroom inside a huge castle. Maybe that room belonged to whoever brought you here, and maybe that person was royal.

You sighed. These answers were getting you nowhere and you knew it. Thinking about the different possibilities was just going to stress you out and stress never led to good things. Especially not with you.

You glanced at the full moon above you that shone brightly through the dark of night. That was the last thing you saw before you closed your eyes. 

It had felt like mere minutes, but hours must have passed since the starry sky had been replaced with a beautiful baby blue. It was morning. 

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