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"How is it, Dad?" Varian asked. 

A middle-aged man with brown eyes was taking a look at your injury. His name was Quirin and apparently he was the leader of the town you were in as well as the father of Varian. You immediately noticed the mark on the back of his hand. A circle with three lines coming from the center. The mark of a lost civilization.

You were in their house, in a room that looked like a laboratory. The centre of the room was a mess. It looked like something incredibly large had pushed all of the contents to the ends of the room. But nothing was there. There was just empty space with a few yellow crystal-like solids around the tables and chairs. 

You were sitting on one of the tables yourself as Quirin examined your knee. It was very awkward but you figured it would be worth it if he managed to heal it. 

Quirin sat back in his chair and turned to Varian with a soft smile. "Not too bad." He said. Then he faced you. "Fracture." He said. "With the right tools, you should be able to walk in about a month without a brace."

You nodded. "But...I don't have any tools."

"Not to worry." Varian said. "We've got everything you need. Dad should be able to take care of it. Hold on."

Varian jogged out of the room and went outside. Quirin looked at you. "I'm sorry. I don't think I got your name."

"(Y/n)." You said.

"Ah. Varian tells me you're not from Corona." He said, trying to make conversation. 

"No." You replied. "I'm not. I move around. I'm a bit of a traveler."

Quirin nodded. "Is that how you got hurt?" He asked. "If you had moved even the slightest bit more, this injury could have been a lot worse."

"Um-yeah. Sure. I guess you could say that." You muttered. Quirin arched a brow, slightly confused. "I did something really stupid and that's how I got injured." You told him with a hand on your neck. "Then I met Varian and he offered to help my situation."

"He's a good kid." Quirin said. "Big heart. He just needs someone to listen every now and then."

You remembered how Varian said that he wasn't liked very much in the kingdom of Corona. The way Quirin stood up for him in that small moment made you smile. "Yeah he is. It was very thoughtful of you two to help me out." You said. 

"Any time, (Y/n)." 

Varian made it back with a bigger first aid kit. It seemed to hold more contents than the little box Varian had in the forest. Quirin opened it and took out the biggest knee immobilizer you had ever seen. He took off the tape and gown on your knee that Varian had put and replaced it with the immobilizer. He placed the immobilizer behind your leg and moved the stabilizer bars along axis of your leg to keep it in place.

"There you go." Quirin said. "I'd wear it while you sleep. We still don't know if it's a big fracture so it's best not to move it too much."

"Okay. I will." You said. "Thank you."

"Try it out." Varian said. "Try walking with it."

Quirin got out of the way and you hopped off the table. Okay so standing wasn't a problem. You walked over to Varian, smiling because you felt a little stupid, but then you looked down at your leg. You could walk fine. There was a little bit of restriction but other than that, you could walk pretty well. 

You turned to Quirin. "Thanks!" You said again. "This is really going to help."

Quirin smiled back. "Don't worry about it. Come back in a couple of weeks and I'll check on your knee."

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