"I'm not an urchin. I'm a pirate!", Luffy protested and the crew laughed. "I'm not joking. I'm ready to join your crew", he told the straw hat man. "The sea isn't a child's game", he replied, passing another barrel to the same crew member. "It's dangerous", the man said, pointing swiftly to his face while getting back to helping is crew. "The scars on my face are proof of that".

Luffy followed the taller man. "I can do it, Shanks. I swear", he told him. "You're not ready", Shanks simply respond. "I am. And I'll show you!", the kid said, storming off.

The captain let him go, inspecting a red glass bottle as one of his men came up to him. "Might want to take it easy on him, Captain," he told him and then added "He's got no family to speak of. The kid's on his own". Shanks took no time to think about it. "Better a disappointed kid now than a dead one later", he replied. "Let's get this done, these men need a drink", the red haired placed an heavy chess in the man's arm. "And a bath", he added once he got back to work.

"Hey, Shanks!", Luffy called from the top front of the ship. He was holding something in his hand that he was showing. Some men stopped their work to look up at him. The kid was holding a small knife. "Put it down, Luffy. Before you hurt yourself", Shanks warned him.

"I'm not afraid of getting hurt", Luffy said loudly. "And I'll prove it to you", he told before stabbing the left side of his face. The pirates gasped and the kid pulled the knife out. Fortunately, he didn't hurt his eye, but he still had a pretty bad wound. "Luffy!", Shanks exclaimed, running towards him.

Koby looked at Luffy. "I don't get it. Why would anyone want to be a pirate?", he asked. "'Cause it's the best thing there is", Luffy explained as if it was obvious. "You have the wind in your back, the salty sea air, your loyal crew by your side. You never know what's on the horizon", he clarified. "It's all about being free", he added, looking to an imaginary point.

"Nothings free about Alvida's crew", Koby told him, making Luffy look at him. "She tells me when to eat, when to sleep", he continued. "I even have to paint her toenails", the boy with glasses added.

"So why don't you just leave?", the straw hat boy asked him. "No one leaves Alvida", he told him, scared to even think about it. "She'll never let me go", he said pessimisticly. "You should never let anyone tell you what you can't do", Luffy recommended. "If I did that, I never would have left my village to go find the One Piece", he admitted.

"Gold Roger's treasure?", Koby asked, standing up and walking to the aisle where Luffy was. "That's impossible. Every pirate in the world is after that", he informed him in disbelief. "Why shouldn't I be the one to find it? As soon as I'm out of here, I'm on my way to the Grand line", the boy in a straw hat explained.

"Pirate graveyard. There are a-hundred-foot waves and sea beasts that'll crush your bones", he tried to convince him. "Once you enter the Grand Line, you never return", the lavender haired boy warned. "It sounds kind of fun", Luffy chuckled.

Then, the two heard a growling. Luffy gasped. "Wait! Is... Is that... Is that one of the sea beast?", he asked. "It's just Alvida snoring", Koby explained. "If you want to get out of here, it's now or never", he rushed the other man.

They lifted the trapdoor, peeking their heads out as the snoring continued. The two climbed out. "Life boats are tied at the stern of the ship", Koby whispered to Luffy. The one in the hat walked forward as the other closed the trapdoor cautiously.

They went up stairs where the rudder is and Luffy spotted a long row. He picked it up. "Gonna need one of these", he told the other boy with a smile as he rubbed his hands anxiously on his pants. "Head due north. You should hit land in a few days", Koby advised.

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