05. The Weekend

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Olivia's POV

Last night took an interesting turn, to say at least. I expected to enter that restaurant to exchange a word or two out of pure courtesy, make an excuse and leave. And then I saw him. How can fate play such tricks?  It was a pleasant dinner, with good company and great conversation. Despite not wanting to delve too deeply into a possible relationship, the way last night ended was an extremely pleasant surprise. This morning I woke up feeling in cloud nine, we kissed, even though he put the brakes on and I thought I had done something wrong, today I am extremely grateful to him because we must take it one step at a time. With a feeling I no longer remembered having, I got up from the bed and went to take a quick shower, when I returned to my room, my phone started ringing and I saw it was Harry. 

"Hello you" I answered with a smile from ear to ear.
"How are you feeling today? Any regrets from last night? " he asked me.
"Absolutely none" I told him.
"Good. Are you free today? " He asked and I took a deep breath to contain the emotion that was occurring inside me, I feel like a teenager again as if I had never been through this before.
"I am, I mean my plans included doing a cleaning of my house, but if you have something better in mind, please save me from the vacuum cleaner and detergents." He laughs.
"Perfect! Get ready and put on a bag with a change of clothes because I have a surprise. " Suddenly, I lost the ability to speak. A surprise?
"Liv? You there? " His voice and thick accent brought me back to earth.
"Yeah, yes, sorry, I am. What do you mean with surprise? And does this surprise involve sleeping somewhere else? I don't think that's a good idea Harry..." After rambling a bit, Harry interrupts me.
"Olivia chill, a surprise means it's a surprise, but yes, it involves sleeping somewhere else, but can you please trust me? I just want to get to know you better without the noise of the rest of the world. Just 1 day. " I sigh.
"Okay, I'm trusting you" he breathed a sigh of relief.
"Perfect! I'll be at your house in 30 minutes" and with that he hang up. I prepared the bag as he asked, even though I didn't know what kind of clothes I had to wear and without wanting to think too much about what could happen while we were in neutral territory to simply "get to know each other better", I started to choose the clothes I would wear, especially because in 10 minutes he will be here.

 I prepared the bag as he asked, even though I didn't know what kind of clothes I had to wear and without wanting to think too much about what could happen while we were in neutral territory to simply "get to know each other better", I started to ...

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I decided to go with black denim pants, a simple black Dickies top and white heel shoes. As soon as I put my bag on, I received a message from Harry telling me that he was downstairs. I picked up my things and left the house. As soon as I left my building, I saw that Harry was parked in his Range Rover. As soon as he saw me walking towards the car, he got out and started walking towards me.

"You look beautiful" he said while he hugged me. I blushed at his statement, even though I was wearing super casual clothes, it seems like he really is, a gentleman.
"Thank you, but I'm only wearing shorts and a plain shirt" I laughed and as we separated from the hug, I lightly squeezed his waist.
"You could wear a paper bag and still look amazing, now shall we" he smiled. He makes compliments seem like the easiest thing to do, he always knows what to say and when to say it. He reached out and directed me to the passenger side, where he opened the door for me and helped me inside.

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