Chapter I

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This is a world like no other,

one brimming with mystery and teeming with danger,

filled with hundreds of islands strewn across vast sea.

Dozens of large boats were scattered around on the water, all sailing to one destination.

And throughout these seas are those who live according to their own rules,

Most of the boats had on thing in common; a flag dangling in the wind with on it, the drawing of a skull along with two bones crossed behind it.

who seek life of freedom and adventure.

Coming closer, the destination of those ships could be seen; a large city named Loguetown, twenty-two years ago.

This is a world of pirates!

"Piracy is a scourge upon this world", a man spoke. "For too long, villains and miscreants have sown havoc across our seas", he continued as a crowd came into view. All were standing in front of a large building. They were looking at the man who talked, standing on a platform built high, even higher than the roofs of the houses.

"But the Marines, on behalf of your World Government, strive to keep you safe and protected", the man added as a figure walked. Its heavy boots were attached together by chains, echoing when the silhouette advanced one foot in front of the other.

"And today we've made a great stride in that effort". The chained person kept walking, passing in front of the whispering crowd. Their dirty hands were restrained by a wooden plank attached to their wrists.

"Gold Roger", the man announced, introducing a black haired individual with bushy eyebrows and a tidy moustache. The crowd was getting louder. "The so-called King of the Pirates",  a wanted poster flew in front of the pirate — his wanted poster. "has been captured".

A smile crept on the pirate's face, the curled ends of his moustache heading up as he did so. He got pushed forward by a Marine in uniform as the crowd talked all together.

"His reign of terror ends this day", the accused man with a long coat entered the base of the platform.

"Peace shall be restored", the man talking exclaimed and Marines activated a system by making a wheel turn on itself. The crowd had fallen awfully quiet.

"Let this be a message to break the spirit of anyone foolish enough to follow in his footsteps". The mechanism made Gold Roger go up to the top of the platform. He kept his smile, his piercing blue eyes looking around the crowd blocked by more Marines.

"Gold Roger", the man in white Marine uniform announced. "You have been sentenced to death for the crime of piracy", The marine with grey hair stated in hatred. "thievery, and conspiracy against the World Government".

"Do you have any last words?", the bearded Marine asked to the pirate without even turning around to look at him. "Yeah",  the pirate spoke rather calmly for someone who would get executed.

"Would you take these off?", he mocked lifting the plank on his forearms and looking at it. "Starting to itch", he added. The Marine turned slightly his head at him, an annoyed look in his eyes. The crowd laughed at his statement.

"I warned you", the man with the white cape said threateningly. "You brought this upon yourself". The pirate turned his head. "That I did, Vice-Admiral", he spoke, his amused expression still. "Now I'm bringing it to one and all".

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