Chapter 11

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SADIE WAS FINALLY BEING released from the hospital she had been confined to for several weeks

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SADIE WAS FINALLY BEING released from the hospital she had been confined to for several weeks. She was ecstatic to be able to leave and see her new home, although the idea of her father walking free after all he did to her made her feel significantly uneasy.

She raced down the hall of the pediatric ward to say goodbye to her favourite doctors who had become family to her.

"Arizona!" she squealed excitedly as she ran into her arms. The blonde squeezed her tight, sad to be losing her morning rounds assistant.

"Oh my gosh I can't believe it, look at you. You have come so far sweetheart I am so so so proud of you," Dr Robbins praised, planting kisses all over her face as if she hadn't just seen the girl an hour earlier.

Sadie just looked up and smiled at the woman who had become her aunt.

"I love you, Auntie Zona"

"I love you more sweet girl,"

With that Jo had finally caught up to her and finished up the goodbyes before they were on their way.

"Come on sunshine Uncle Alex and the babies are waiting for us in the car."


"GO AHEAD PRINCESS OPEN the door," Alex encouraged the hesitant girl who now stood in front of the barrier to her new home.

Sadie walked inside transfixed by the homely feeling that engulfed her.

The furniture-filled rooms that had painted walls and matching decor, the pictures of Alex and Jo that sat on the shelving and the smell of candles and fresh flowers were enough to make her tear up.

She turned around and ran into Jo and Alex's arms as they placed Jonah and Lydia on the sofa.

"Aww don't cry sweet girl," Jo whispered in her ear wiping away the tears from her rosy cheeks.

"I'm sorry," she sniffled as she took a step back scared she had crossed a line.

"Princess that's not what Jo meant we just want this to be happy, not sad come here," Alex gestured for the timid girl to come back and rejoin the group hug.

Shyly she moved forward allowing the two to wrap their arms around her once more.

"We love you, sweet girl,"

"I love you too,"


AFTER A FULL TOUR OF the house, dinner, a movie and a bath it was officially bedtime.

Alex and Jo had been dreading this moment of having to get three children to go to sleep solely based on a few babysitting jobs the pair had endured during their teens.

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