Chapter 4

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...Ready for it?

*TW* abuse

SADIE OPENED HER EYES AND GLANCED at the clock on the hospital room wall

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SADIE OPENED HER EYES AND GLANCED at the clock on the hospital room wall.

7:36 am

The sunlight crept through the blinds casting stripes throughout the hospital room. Sadie took in everything around her. Jonah and Lydia sound asleep at the foot of the bed,  Alex to her right in a chair, his head resting on the bed and his hand holding hers.

She smiled finally feeling happy for the first time in a while. Happy and safe. She never believed it would happen. She had accepted her fate of having a shitty father and no childhood.

Her Uncle Alex saved them.

Sadie looked to her left and next to her in the big armchair was a woman with an unfamiliar face. She was wearing scrubs so she must have been a doctor but she still didn't remember seeing her before.

Sadie was pulled out of her thoughts by a whimpering Lydia. She gently sit herslef up ready to climb off the bed when Alex stopped her.

"I got her kiddo. Lay back down"

She did as she was told and slowly laid back down waiting for Alex to bring Lydia back to her.

"Shhh, shhh you're okay, it's okay" he whispered to Lydia as he bounced her bringing her over to Sadie. Alex laid Lydia on her chest and planted a kiss on her forehead. Sadie stroked Lydia's blonde locks gently as her breathing slowed and cries quietened.

As if on cue, the minute they were sure Lydia had fallen asleep Jonah started to stir in his cot. Sadie looked over to Alex, he painted a warm smile on his face and walked over to Jonah.

"Don't worry I've got him"

"Thanks, Uncle Alex, for everything. You know I was two when my dad brought me out here, but even after all these years my dad managed to save a memory box with things from the whole family. There's pictures of mom, a picture of us together and a birthstone and letter from Auntie Maya, who told me she was dads sister and the birthstone was what she bought me on the day I was born. Do you know where Auntie Maya lives?" she rambled at a quick pace.

"Woah, slow down Sadie." Alex chuckled at her "You don't have to thank me for anything It's just what family does and you are my family princess, I love you to the moon and back sweet girl. And as for your dad's sister she actually lives in Seattle too. Me, your mom and your aunt Maya were really close so when she so unexpectantly passed we made a promise to always stick together, the two of us.

"When I got accepted into Seattle Grace Hospital residency programme Maya knew how important it was to me and decided to move out here with me."

"Tell me more about her!" Sadie exclaimed excitedly wanting to fill in the gaps of her family tree she longed to know all these years.

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