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As I stood in the dimly lit road, my eyes widened with fear, fixated on the haunting scene before me. The girl wore a uniform that I recognized – it was from my own school. Blood stained everything, and the sight threatened to overwhelm me. Each second felt like another layer of nightmarish imagery etched into my mind. I tried to move, to tear my gaze away, but my legs seemed rooted to the spot.

Suddenly, the wailing of sirens sliced through the air, jolting me back to reality. Adrenaline surged, propelling me into a frantic sprint towards home. I slammed the door shut behind me, gasping for breath. My legs felt like they might give way beneath me.

The door creaked open, and I saw my brother Ryan emerge from the bathroom. His gaze was downcast, unusual for him as he's typically alert. "Ryan! There's... there's a..." I began, but he glanced up, eyes wide with concern, and hurried toward me. His grip on my shoulder was firm.

"Y/n, you're... you're not hurt?" His words hung in the air, more a question than a statement.

"Thank goodness you're not hurt... I thought that... I... you..." his voice wavered, betraying the panic he was feeling.

"Ryan, did you see it too? A dead body!?" I blurted out, my heart racing. He might have been the one to call the police.

He studied my face, a mixture of worry and relief in his eyes. "Y/n, nothing happened to you, right? No one tried to hurt you, right?" His concern was palpable. I could only nod, unable to find my voice. He released his grip, his features softening in evident relief.

"Y/n, why don't you go rest and calm down? Maybe take a bath or something," he suggested, his tone gentler now. I nodded, and as I moved toward the bathroom, he stopped me.

"Use the bathroom upstairs. The one down here needs to be cleaned first," he advised, his voice more composed. I followed his instructions mechanically, my mind still reeling from the horrifying encounter. The upstairs bathroom felt eerily quiet, a sanctuary of solitude where I could begin to process the nightmarish events.

The warmth of the water cocooned me, providing a false sense of security. I closed my eyes, attempting to block out the haunting images that replayed in my mind. But tranquility remained elusive. My thoughts, like restless ghosts, continued to circle back to the same questions.

Who would commit such a heinous act? Why that girl, and why involve me in such a gruesome display? The answer wasn't far off, a dark truth that gnawed at the edges of my consciousness. It was evident, painfully so, that this was the work of someone who wished me to suffer.

A surge of anger mingled with fear, a potent cocktail of emotions that threatened to overwhelm me. The realization settled heavily in my chest, anchoring me to a reality that had become a nightmare. My own name, etched in blood, a morbid signature of the tormentor who sought to drag me into their macabre theatre.

I knew who was behind this. Lucius, my own brother, had plunged into darkness, transforming into a malevolent force that reveled in my suffering. He had promised to make me pay, to exact a twisted revenge for what he perceived as my sins. This was his doing, a visceral reminder that he was watching, waiting to pounce on my every vulnerability.

As the water cooled around me, the gravity of the situation pressed down, threatening to suffocate. I couldn't stay here, immersed in my fear and uncertainty. I needed to gather strength, to face the malevolence that now hunted me.

NOT ALONE [Mikey X Reader/Tokyo Revenger Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now