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I always thought I was born to be a detective or a federal agent.

But I no longer saw myself as either.

The only reason they'd been able to convince me to become a patrol officer was because they'd told me I'd be able to persuade rookies from making my own errors.

I didn't want to be negative, I didn't want to be that training officer everyone hated. But I knew I would be.

My psychiatrist always said "no one will question why you'd go from detective to patrol officer".

I call absolute bullshit.

If that was the case, I wouldn't be walking into the Los Angeles Police Department with hundreds of eyes wondering why I'm here.

I wonder if they knew.

No. They'd promised me no one would be aware.

I walk to the reception desk, forcing a smile to my ghostly coloured lips. I didn't feel well. Not because I was sick or eaten something bad, but I felt more anxious than I think I may of ever felt in my life.

"Officer Hale reporting for duty. Where do I need to go?" I enquire, I'd worked here before. But not for at least five years. I wanted to ensure my sense of direction was still intact.

The receptionist looks up, blonde ponytail falling perfectly to her back. She smiled at me before continuing,

"Morning. Head down that way, take a left then a right." She instructed. I smiled and thanked her before I continued on my way.

"Hale?" I hear a voice enquire.

Oh, how I hated that the voice sounded familiar.

I turned my head to face the direction of the voice, eyes heavy as I couldn't be bothered with a lengthy conversation of how sad my life was.

"Bishop." I confirmed.

I knew Bishop wanted to be a detective for the power grab, but I wondered if she'd live to regret that the way I did.

I already knew she was mentally cursing me for giving up detective work. It probably seemed so ungrateful to someone whose been trying to hard to gain a spot.

"What are you doing back here? You on a case?" She asked.

I shook my head, "I'm meet your new coworker." I told her.

I watched as her eyes bulged out of her head almost, she was shocked. She clearly had zero clue I had quit detective work. I found that partially shocking.

Bishop attempted to gather her words for a moment, "you're a patrol officer again?" She asked.

"Yes." I confirm. "Sorry, but I need to keep moving." I lie, wanting to get anyway from this conversation about detective work.

I continue down the hallway, finding myself in a room where I find I must be late. Because the watch commander eyes me for a second, before his gaze becomes almost forgiving.

"Well, her first impression may not be ideal but everyone welcome back Officer Hale." Grey announces, giving me a small nod. He knew.

They'd told him.

I offered a weak smile to Grey as he gestured for me to take a seat. I see the only seat left is next to an officer I'd almost forgotten about.

Tim Bradford.

Bradford and I had graduated the academy together, trained through from rookie to senior officer together. Before I left to become a detective.

I hadn't forgotten about him, I'd just failed to stay in contact. It was ultimately my fault, but I avoided eye contact with him as I took a seat. I knew he was eyeballing the side of my head.

Illusive | Tim BradfordWhere stories live. Discover now