Chapter 35| Ethereal

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As always, as soon as Heeseung came, everything seemed to be alright. You stared at the man carrying you in his arms, leading you to the stage.

He is ethereal. You knew that he did not belong to you. So you wanted to hold onto this moment-when his skin was getting complimented by the black shirt he was wearing with his top three undone buttons.

Your arms were wrapped around his neck, causing the scent of his manly cologne to fill your half conscious brain.

For him, however, it did not seem like any of the others existed except you, not even Somi. Was I overthinking after all?

Heeseung placed you down on the stage and you two got to your original formation for the first step. Everyone cheered seeing both of you on the stage.s

"Remember to breathe once in a while," Heeseung muttered to you, taking your breath away contradictorily.

You two performed with a lot of cheers from your batchmates, your eyes never leaving his.

He was right to remind you to breathe since you were left breathless the whole time by the way he carried out the performance with you.

The performance ended and Heeseung wrapped one around your exposed waist, pulling you closer to him.

He whispered in your ear while still smiling politely at the crowd, "I'm sorry for getting late. There was something to be taken care of and I was the only one present there."

You nodded. "I know." There he was again, re-establishing your confidence in your stance in life. But you decided to ignore that and his cold touch for now.

Since yours was the last performance, the free dance floor had been occupied with all the students dancing randomly.

You had a drink or two before joining them. Currently you had no idea of Heeseung's whereabouts. You just wanted to enjoy and relieve the stress you had building inside yourself.

You could see Chaerin, Jay, Riki, Jake, Miyeon dancing around you. Suddenly your eyes landed on Somi.

She was making out with Sunghoon. You rolled your eyes. Good for them anyway. You thought as you were actually relieved, thinking that Somi left Heeseung alone.

At that time, you remembered about Heeseung. Where is he?

You tapped on Chaerin's shoulder. "Where is Heeseung?" You yelled for her to hear. "How would I know?" She yelled as well, "Isn't he your best friend? You should know where he is!"

You pursed your lips at her response and decided to ask Jay. But he moved from your reach and you found the person you were looking for.

You smiled ear to ear at the sight of Heeseung. But he did not smile back.

Instead he pressed his lips on yours. There you were, kissing each other in the middle of the dance floor.


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