Teasing her.. 🤭

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Kuwar Pratap gets to his practice arena and began practicing there furiously.
He doesn't want to talk to anyone right now.

He refused to have his dinner when offered by his Ranima in dinning hall.

Ajabdeh reaches the kitchen and came to know that kuwar Pratap hasn't eaten anything. She runs to the arena where she was stopped by guards and was told that prince has refused to let anyone in and he has ordered that he doesn't want to talk to anyone.

Ajabdeh is worried for his health now and decides to sneak in and watch from somewhere else.

She gets to a corner and watches him practice hard.

"Such violence practice and that through without eating.." thinks Ajabdeh to herself.

Kuwar Pratap notices Ajabdeh and glances at her,

"I don't want to hear anything from you, just leave me alone.." orders Pratap in a scary tone.

Ajabdeh gets scared..

"But listen to me once atleast.. please" she says in a pleading voice.

"I said I don't want to talk to you, Don't test my patience and leave.."
Kuwar Pratap raised his voice like never before and Ajabdeh gets scared and leaves.

She regrets now not telling him his true feelings earlier.

Kuwar Pratap returns to his room and was pacing here and there furiously.
Ajabdeh enters his room with a plate of food.

"Why are you not eating by the way, even if you are angry l, you should eat.." says Ajabdeh

" Ajabdeh Don't you think you should stop telling me what I should do and what not."
Argues kuwar Pratap

" Okay fine, I won't tell you , if you wish to have your food or not it's your choice.. "
Ajabdeh keeps the plate on the table and leaves.

She stands behind the pillar outside the room and saw him eating the food.

She smiles knowing that her trick worked.

Kuwar haves his food and calms down.
Kuwar Shakti enters his room to annoy him again.

"Bhai, are you fine, did Ajabdeh said anything to you..?" Ask Shakti smiling.
"What are you doing here, get lost" says kuwar Pratap completely irritated at him.

"Whatttt.... she didn't tell you anything, you both didn't talk...?"
Ask Shakti

"What are you trying to say, be clear or leave." Declares Kuwar Pratap

"She came to apologise to you." Says Shakti patting his head
"And there is nothing between us, I was just being a good friend nothing else.." explains Shakti.

" What really...? " ask kuwar Pratap in a shock as if he is dreaming.

" Yes bhai, you should not be rude to her and talk okay.."
Says Shakti and leaves

Kuwar Pratap is fine now and gives a smirk.
He is going to have the time of his life now.

Kuwar Pratap smiles and runs to phool Kuwar's room and explain her, his plan to tease Ajabdeh.


*(Yeah readers this is gonna be some real fun now....)*

Next day...

Ajabdeh wakes up to a happy and peaceful morning, she gets ready and prays to her kanha ji to give her strength to, so that today she can muster up courage to tell her feelings to kuwar Pratap.

PrAja Love 💞 :Destined To Be Together Pratap💞AjabdehOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant