love in the air✨❤️

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Pratap was waiting for Ajabdeh to say something but she is silent which is making him more agrier.

Finally he decides to break the silence and after calming himself down he asked Ajabdeh in a maintained tone.

"Wow Ajabdeh, are you fasting?"

His voice clearly show some sign of annoyance but Ajabdeh was shocked at the fact that Kuwar Pratap cared about a thing like fasting.
"Yes" Ajabdeh replied in a slow voice without any other word.

Pratap wants to hear an explanation or atleast wants to know for whom she is fasting.

"For whom are you fasting Ajabdeh.?" Comes another question from Pratap who is trying to maintain his anger.

Ajabdeh was stunned at the question and replied slowly...


She began looking here and there clearly nervous and then with a tiny smile and a little red cheeks replied...

" for for for no no one..."

With this Ajabdeh left leaving an even angry Pratap

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With this Ajabdeh left leaving an even angry Pratap.
Pratap was fumming now at Ajabdeh's reaction and how she blushed thinking about someone.

Back at the palace, everyone is sitting for dinner including kuwar Pratap and Ajabdeh and Bhago is serving everyone.
Pratap is still annoyed and says that he doesn't want to eat and leaves from there, chakri finishes his food quickly and follow behind Pratap.
Ajabdeh and everyone stands confused.

Chakri comes to kuwar Pratap's room..

"What happened prince, why are you behaving so strangely since you have came back from the lake."

To this Pratap burst out and says
" Enough chakri, I don't want to talk to anyone right now leave me alone. I don't care for her, if she has kept a fast for someone let it be, she might have someone she like already"

To this chakri start laughing and ask Pratap about why he is thinking so that Ajabdeh has kept a fast for someone else.

" Hansa masi told me that all the womens keeps a fast for their loved ones, that means Ajabdeh likes someone"

Chakrapani explains Pratap how unmarried girls also keep a fast to find a loving groom.

" Kyaaaa..... " Pratap gets shocked and happy and realised what he just blurted out.

Now chakri is ready with his questions before he could ask anything Pratap quickly runs from there.

Pratap wents to the kitchen and prepare 2 plates of food and began walking towards Ajabdeh's room.

At the room Ajabdeh was standing by the moon thinking what happened and why kuwar Pratap didn't eat anything.

"Is he Angry because of some reason?" Thought Ajabdeh.

" Wind is nice right " Comes kuwar Pratap's voice from behind

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" Wind is nice right " Comes kuwar Pratap's voice from behind.

Ajabdeh is stunned and turns around only to find Kuwar Pratap with 2 plates of food in his hand.

"Kuwar sa what are you doing here at this time" ask Ajabdeh a bit shyly

" What do you think I am doing here Ajabdeh with these 2 plates, ofc I came to eat with you"
" Let's eat c'mon please sit down"
Says kuwar Pratap in a commanding voice.

To this Ajabdeh says that she has kept a fast and can only eat in the morning.

Just then Ajabdeh starts coughing hard and kuwar Pratap offers her water.

" Take it and have it please" says kuwar Pratap.

Ajabdeh takes the glass from Pratap's hand and drinks the water.
This completes her fast for the day and deep down she is happy because somewhere in her heart shw kept a fast for kuwar Pratap only.

Now kuwar Pratap ask Ajabdeh if she wanna have food or argue for entire night.
They both sit together and eat.

After food is done, both of them sit together and have a light talk, Ajabdeh tells him why her father dislikes her and kuwar Pratap tells Ajabdeh how his chotima always wants to kill him.

Both share some serious talks and then kuwar Pratap notice that Ajabdeh is tired and sleepy.

"I should go now, it's really late" Pratap says in a formal tone and Ajabdeh wishes him "shubhratri"
Kuwar Pratap leaves and Ajabdeh sleeps peacefully.

PrAja Love 💞 :Destined To Be Together Pratap💞AjabdehOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant