Chapter One : The Chosen Hero.

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Part One: Taking the Lead.

As you walked away you dropped the Kind persona, it was common for newbies to get better treatment on the Citadel. But what determined their status was their strength, how powerful someone was. You were second on the hierarchy at the Citadel, only bested by the Original Y/N. No one had seen him before, but you all knew that he was the first to Access the Multiverse, and That he built the city with his bare hands.

Entering a massive golden building you showed identification to a Y/N at the front desk, "Welcome Back, How was your trip?" He asked.

"Fine." You said gruffly, the other man nodded. Expecting that answer.

He smiled, "Y/N's are supposed to be happy, and positive." He pointed, "You're the only one that isn't, Why is that?"

You scoffed, "There's plenty of Y/Ns that act like me, the real question should be why you assholes are so happy?" The other Y/N shrugged, he pointed at the elevator in front of you. Signaling that you could go up.

Ending the conversation you entered the elevator, another Y/N dressed in an All white suit . He waved with a smile on his face, you scoffed at him and waved him off. On the way up he answered a Phone call, "Hello?" He raised an eyebrow, "Woah, Slow Down." He sighed, "Alright I'm coming right now." Hanging up the phone the Y/N looked at you, "Sorry Man, Gotta Go." Pulling out one of the higher ranking devices he typed in his Universe Number, summoning a portal that tried to suck everything into itself.

The Y/N summoned a Holy Light and Ran inside Yelling, "Subaru! What The Hell did you Do?!" You covered your eyes from the brightness, planting your feet onto the ground so you weren't sucked into the portal as it closed. The elevator dinged and you saw you arrived on the Second to Top floor. Your Apartment.

As the Elevator doors opened you were greeted with the Familiar walls, sighing you flopped down onto the sofa. Your body ached from the ceaseless nights of fighting, but the calls never stopped coming your wristwatch rang and buzzed notification after notification.

You started to rip a portal into space, but you hesitated gritting your teeth and going back into the elevator, selecting the forbidden level. The top floor, suddenly the elevator creakily nobody had ever dared to travel to this floor. It was the known housing Place of the original Y/N. And usually neither would you, but weariness rage clouded your mostly strategic mind.

You knew very well that this Y/N could kill you, but you didn't care. When the elevator stuttered to a stop, you realized the magnitude of your actions. But before you could back out the door opened slowly, revealing a massive interior way bigger on the inside than the outside. The intense magic laced on the walls almost pushed you to the ground, but you stumbled forward.

Suddenly a man rounded the corner he wore a black robe and had a wineglass in his hand, "Oh shit dude you okay?" He snapped his fingers and Cyan flame covered his body getting rid of his robe and Wineglass, replacing them with a suit. He took your hand and lifted you up with ease.

You were surprised by his kindness, but then remembered why you were there. "Thanks, could you point me in the direction of a Y/N that lives here?"

The man smiled, "You're lookin At him!" Suddenly the entire room shifted around the both of you, scraping and movement filled your ears. Suddenly you were sitting on a couch and in front of you was the Y/N with his legs set up on a chair.

You almost threw up, but pushing down the vomit you asked the question, "Why make all of this? Why build this place just to disappear and never show your face again?"

The Y/N laughed, "I've had my fare share of adventures, even to the point where I split myself into Nine just to have more, but then-" He sighed, "I got tired, really, tired."

Y/N lifted his hands up and the Curtains rolled back, revealing the now dark outside, "So I made the Citadel, a homestead for every part of me in the Multiverse."

"Every Part of You?" Raising an eyebrow the other Man nodded.

"Yeah, That was one wild Night." He rested his head on his hand, You looked at him expecting more, so he delivered. "Oh, I just got really drunk one night and made infinite versions of myself, all from different parts of my mind. And by the looks of it you were formed from one of the.... Darker sides of my head." He smiled again.

You felt your face contort into anger, everything you had done. Everyone you had lost, was all just a game? Your hand instinctively went to your Saber, unsheathing it and pointing it directly at his face. Your finger twitched near the ignition, but the other Y/N wasn't phased at all. He put one finger on the hilt and pushed it down so you could see him.

"You don't understand, me and you...." He snapped his fingers and disappeared, "We aren't on the same level at all.." His voice trailed as the Area around you shifted, it became a stage. You lit the Lightsaber and assumed your stance. Your eyes darted all around in the darkness, suddenly a spot-light beamed down on the Y/N at the center stage, he now wore a bright red sparkly suit that glimmered with every step he took.

You rushed at him, swinging the blade strategically. But no matter how fast you were, this man was faster. He dodged every strike while doing a different dance move, the Song 'Funky Town' blared in the background. Having enough of the shenanigans you focused and bent the world to your will, lifting the Y/N into the air and forcing him in front of you, raising the Saber you looked deadly.

"Any last words?" You forced your hand into a fist, a move that was supposed to crush the Y/N's windpipe, but he seemed unbothered. "Why are you smiling?!" You yelled, getting angrier with each passing moment. The Y/N turned into smoke, breaking your concentration and hold over his body. The room began to shift again, this time it was a boxing ring with only darkness beyond it.

Y/N appeared again, but this time he had on only Cyan shorts. Revealing his chiseled and scarred body, you swung at him only for time to slow down, he avoided your attack and delivered a haymaker to your face. It felt like the equivalent of getting hit by One Million Garbage Trucks. You were sent to the floor, but you quickly got up and yelled, "ENOUGH!!!" You sent out a shockwave somehow powerful enough to disperse the Reality Warp, you grabbed the other Y/N by the collar as the area reformed itself to a Battlefield, you put the blade into Y/N's torso. Only for his body to twist and warp around it, he smiled again and whispered.

"Catch Me if You Can." And then a portal opened out of nowhere, swallowing both the Y/N and your hand. You writhed and yelled in pain holding the now cauterized stump on your wrist. You formed the room back into its original shape, walking back into the elevator you made a vow.

"I Will Kill Y/N Prime."

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