15 - 'Mistaken for the better'

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I woke up to the smell of cooking and put my dressing gown on and began walking out of my bedroom.

I saw Charles cooking an omelette with no shirt only boxers covered with an apron.

"Morning Amour! I wanted to make you breakfast in bed but that doesn't work as you've gotten out of bed.." Charles says very loudly.

"I'm guessing those are the failed omelettes..?" I say point to the food waste full to the top with eggs and runny omelettes and burnt omelettes.

"I'll make sure to buy you some more!" Charles shouts running over to the fridge to get out some juice.

I help cook the omelettes while Charles lays the table and sorts out drinks.

I dish up the breakfast and we sit down talking and just enjoying each others company.

A few moments later, Arthur arrived knocking slowly then running in and hugging me as Charles opened the door.

"Nora it was my fault.. im so sorry!" Arthur Mutters into my shoulder hugging me.

"Arthur. It wasn't your fault. Im okay and apart from that it was a great night okay?" I say holding his head in my hands.

Arthur looks over at Charles and nods.

"Thanks Charles for looking after her." Arthur says quietly. Charles just nods with no reply.

"Well I was planning on having a Netflix marathon.. are you two staying or leaving" I say breaking the tension.

"Well we both have to help for the preparations for this weekend so I'll come over and check on you later?" Charles asks collecting his stuff.

"Well we both have to help for the preparations for this weekend so I'll come over and check on you later?" Charles asks collecting his stuff

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Around 5mins later, Lewis was at my door and had lots of snacks and drinks.

"Don't tell toto but I did bring a lot of snacks containing calories." Lewis says smirking getting pillows and a huge blanket.

We both sat down on the sofa and started to watch 'Gossip Girl' which I'd supposedly should relate to.

"Your definitely Serena." Lewis mutters.

"Take away the drugs and the sleeping around part." I reply.

"I mean Blair is like Arthur and Charles is Nate in ur scenario?" Lewis joked.

"Shush!" I shout playfully pushing him.

A few hours pass and Lewis is leaving and clearing up while I was drifting off to sleep.

Suddenly the door opens and Lando walks in with Danny behind him.

"Why is everyone I know here today?!" I shout seeing another person walk in.

"Idk but Charles says we need to make you go and have fun!" Lando shouts throwing an outfit at me.

"The lady at the shop said this dress could go well with heel or thongs!" Daniel shouts placing down a speaker.

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