11 - 'was it wrong?'

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I open the door to reveal someone who differently wasn't Charles. My heart dropped seeing my best friend in front of me looking very angry.

"Oh what perfect timing!" Arthur sarcastically shouts.

"Arthur.." I begin to say before being interrupted.

"What happened to your cheek? Did he do that to you?" Arthur says looking back at Charles who look furious.

"Arthur you've already shouted at me. But do you really think I'd hurt her?" Charles shouted back.

"I don't know. You always seem to be tough with your little playthings. God I can't believe you two." Arthur spat throwing daggers and us.

"Your so self absorbed. Do you not give a shit about Nora?!" Charles shouts.

"You two are both traitors. Jesus Nora I thought you weren't stupid like the others but your just like them. Your just like all the other sluts he dates then chucks aside!" Arthur replies turning to look at me.

I try not to be hurt by his words because I know he doesn't mean it. He's just mad but I can't help but feel tears in my eyes but try to keep them Aside as I shouldn't be the one who's upset.

"Arthur. Watch your mouth when your speaking to her." Charles spat getting more and more angry.

Arthur scoffs and turn to look at me with almost a face of disgust. A tear falls from my eye and I see Charles get even more annoyed.

"Till you break whatever this is up with him. We aren't friends. I thought our rules meant something." Arthur mutters in my ear and walks off.

Charles quickly comes over to me and hugs me as I cry into him. He walks me inside and I continue to sob uncontrollably. I have too choose between my best friend and my lover. I have to do what's right.

Charles leaves the room to go get some drinks and I find a notebook and begin to write what I can't say to him.

'Charles, I need you to understand this. I will forever love you and the short amount of time we've spent together I will never forget.. but, My Other half is Arthur. He's my best friend and I can't loose him. This is why, we can no longer be together. My agent will cover up the photos and videos and we will both deny that it happened. I can't be the reason you and Arthur don't talk. This is for the best.'


Leaving that note hurt me but I can't loose Arthur. As I try to find Arthur I bump into someone I really didn't want to deal with right now.

"Ich bin sehr enttäuscht von dir, Nora." My father muttered.
'I'm very disappointed with you, Nora.'

"Du kannst mich später anschreien! Hast du Arthur gesehen?" I shout.
'You can shout at me later! Have you seen Arthur?"

He just shakes his head while I run to reception. The paparazzi are outside waiting for I assume me or Charles.

"Hello! Slight emergency. I need to know which room Arthur Leclerc is staying in. I understand it's policy or whatever but I will happily give you money!" I said to the receptionist.

"Money isn't necessary! Some gentleman dropped this off for you and if I look... Arthur Leclerc is staying in room 621!" She says handing over my bracelet.

I thank her and make my way up to Arthur's room.

"Arthur! Open up please! I know you hate me but please.." I shout knocking on the door.

Arthur opens the door and looks me up and down.

"Im not talking to you until you-" Arthur begins to talk but I cut him off.

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