Ch. Forty Four 💍

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 Seeing Taehyung walk away giving them privacy, the married couple stand in place staring at each other. Jimin feels that damn sensation that keeps appearing everytime he has some alone time with his husband. The one that makes him wanna kiss him so bad it's hard to control. But he already did it once and he's not sure Yoongi would like to repeat it. The older is the one that breaks the silence trying to sound as casual as possible. 

- So... everything okay with Taehyung? Or should I talk to him?

- We're good. Well, we still have a lot to talk about and I would like to catch up someday but we're on the right track for sure.

- I see...

There's a few seconds of silence. Yoongi is trying to find the right words yet he can't seem to find them. His mind is nothing but chaos after seeing Tae so close to the boy of his dreams. Before he can think of anything to say Jimin decides to talk. He sounds calm and despite his words he's not trying to start a fight or an argument of any kind.

- I won't go back in there...

 Yoongi can't help to feel bad as he walks up to Jimin. When he stands in front of him, the boy looks down. He can't help to feel nervous with Yoongi's so close to him. 

- Am I doing everything wrong, cupcake?

 It's an honest question filled with insecurities. As an answer, he takes Yoongi's hands softly as he talks in the softest tone he has. 

- Of course not...I just...I don't wanna be near people like that. I know you're more mature in that sense and you can talk with shitty people without getting angry. Hell, when we argued you've never even raised your voice. But I can't hold myself from punching the shit out of some of them. Not for much longer. 

- And you think I can? Those assholes have been insulting the pretty boy I married! If it wasn't because I really wanna help you and our kingdom I would've killed them already. I'll do it if you ask me to!

- HAHAHA I don't think you're capable of hurting anyone, Yoonie

- Yoonie?

- Ah! Sorry! I meant-

- I love it. You should call me that more often...

 Yoongi's hand softly fixes his hair trying to see his pretty face better. He can notice the way Jimin's eyes are fixated on his lips. Before he can lean forward, Jimin is the one to do so. However, he doesn't have the courage to go all the way and instead gets closer to his ear to whisper something with care. Jimin sounds so nervous it only tempts him twice as much. 

- I'll go upstairs...You...D-Do you...

 Yoongi holds him so close the warm hug could make the younger melt in his arms. The Prince can't help to close his eyes as he feels the strong hold keeping him an inch away from his husband. A move and their lips would touch. It's the words that come out with so much care and love what makes him weak.

- Everytime you need me, everytime you want just have to ask for it, cupcake. If you don't tell me what goes through your mind, I'm not smart enough to figure it out alone 

 Jimin chuckles hearing it. It's hard to keep the eye contact but he tries his best. Those arms don't let him go and his husband waits for him to say what he wants.  The minutes go by but Yoongi waits patiently, giving him the time to think it through. However, it seems like he was not expecting Jimin's question

- Yoonie...would you kiss me again?

- Of course I'll go

- N-Nothing! Y-You don't have to! I was just thi-

 The distance dissappears. Sober and confident, Jimin asked from a kiss. He never thought it would happen but Yoongi's more than glad to give him one. He feels more sure of it than last time. The kiss gets deeper this night and Jimin's hands go up his arms until reaching his hair. They only pull away when they run out of breath. Ignoring everyone else in the party, they walk past the guests on their way upstairs. No matter who else wants to talk to the couple, two minutes later they're cuddling in bed with the lights off. 

 The touch on Yoongis finger tips on his waist as they hug in bed is helping the prince relax in a way never experienced. Without breaking the contact, they talk about the guests downstairs. They complain about others like the married couple they are. It all feels so real now. Like all the walls have finally fallen down and this is who they really are. Yoongi still bickers with him every now and then during the conversation making Jimin chuckle and argue while showing that pretty eyesmile of his. The conversation only stops when Yoongi names the last noble he talked to. 

- He said you once threatened him with a sword! I can't imagine you going that far for an insult, cupcake

- Oh, that's because they didn't insult me. They...nevermind

- Did he talk about Tae? You two were pretty protective of each other from what Hobi told me

 For the first time since this conversation started, Jimin looks away. There's a minute of absolute silence. When he answers, it sounds like a whisper. Like he doesn't really wanna be heard or talk about that again. It makes sense, it still makes him mad.

- They talked about you...

- M-Me?

- It pissed me off, okay?! I'm the only one that's allowed to complain about you! Even back then it was insulting! For him to think that talking shit about you was gonna work on me! Asshole, everytime I think about it I wanna...Ugh, I hate him!

 Yoongi stares at him. There's little to no light in the room. Jimin keeps complaining but the other is thinking about something else. Because Yoongi knows. He knows he's already seen every single side of Jimin already. He knows he's fallen for all of them. Even when he's angry. Even when he cries. If he talks, he'll confess. Because all he can think of right now is how much he loves the prince in his arms. Scared to say it, he avoids the words and simply acts on it. 

Another kiss takes place. One through which Yoongi can't control his hands going under his husband's shirt. Neither of them holds back anymore. They don't even think in stopping. And by the end of the night they both know they no longer will need to ask for a kiss. They can always go and get it and none of them will doubt or complain about it...

Next Chapter

The project is officially approved! Anyone in the Kingdom can get a divorce from now on!

 It takes two people for a relationship to work, brother


 Hi babes~ This is not even the last Yoonmin chapter hahaha but it's almost there I've been waiting for this moment for so long💕

Next one is Taekook! It might be a little shorter but I'm not sure. So I'll see you soon for that!

- Baby Y

P.S: I can't remember if I said it here or on a different story but I opened a Twitter (it's in my profile) if you ever feel like following me.
Honestly I would love to write an interactive fanfic someday and I'm just investigating how the fuck to do it hahaha it'll take forever to prepare it 

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