Ch. Forty Three 💍

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Seokjin starts to walk his way up to his husband and the woman by his side when someone gets in the way. Jungkook has a huge smile on his face and takes Jin's shoulders, excited. He doesn't register the worried expression on his older brother's face.

- Hyung! Were you the one that did that on Tae? His hair and the outfit and...God!

- Hahaha I'm guessing it worked

- Worked?

- You've been playing dumb for too long, Kookie. I remember the things you used to say about him

- Bro, you don't need to tell me about it. I was a second away from confessing!

Confessing? That only brings another level of anxiety to Seokjin. Now that he thinks about it...Namjoon never really confessed his feelings. Of course he always treated him nicely but "love" was never mentioned by him. If he thinks it through even more, he can remember how Namjoon wouldn't even touch him during their wedding night. Should he take all those signals as a bad thing? Can he still have some hope?

The paranoia makes him rethink about his relationship. He might be the only one with those types of feelings. Seeing Yoongi run after Jimin and staring at the big smile on Jungkook's face makes him he the only one that married a man that doesn't love him? No. He can't be sure of that. He has to keep the hopes up or he'll go crazy.

Leaving Jungkook behind after a short and honest talk, he finally walks up to Jessi and Namjoon. He's very happy for his younger brothers, something that wasn't possible weeks ago. And he's wishing to have a relationship as pretty as the ones they have.

- Ah, Seokjin. - Jessi smiles - I see you still have the habit of interrumpting my alone time with Joonie

- What can I say? I would love to have a dance with my husband

Unlike the last time they met, Jessi doesn't argue. She seems to be taking it all like a joke and lets them have some privacy as a couple. Jin was expecting a little more resistance but he can't complain. Taking Namjoon's hand, he invites him for a dance. Of course the other obeys immediately, his hand holding Jin's waist with as much care as possible.

Jin tries to look for the right words. He suddenly feels a little too embarrassed to ask that question. He leans in and lets his head rest on Namjoon's chest as they move to the music.

- Namjoonie... you'll be honest with me if I ask you something?

- I wouldn't be able to lie to you

- Do you...What...Uuumm...What do you feel when you see me?

- You should know it by now

Namjoon smiles shy but Jin can't see it. Instead, the Prince is biting his bottom lip. How hard is it for Namjoon to confess?

- The night of the proposal...we barely talked. And yet here we are...

- It was meant to be, I guess. When I wrote that proposal before the party I wasn't even expecting us to share any kind of conversation hahaha

- Oh...

More confused than he was before, Jin asks a new question. He wants to convince himself Namjoon is not using him. That's all.

- What will we do with Ilsan? I mean, you should inherit that Kingdom but both you and Tae came here instead

- Ugh, do we need to talk about business?

He seems a little uncomfortable with the subject. But he gives in when Jin insists about it. Trying to tell him about it in a simple way, he exposes what his strategy is. To rule both Kingdoms through a political plan only possible for someone who studied long and hard about it. Either he was expecting this for a long time or he's an absolute genius.

- I have every single detail about it really clear

- It's a perfect plan. My father helped me through most of it

The kindness in his tone doesn't match those words that only make Jin even more paranoid. It's time to change partners when the song ends. Looking around him, Jin decides to give this one last chance. If anyone can make things clear for him then it must be the closest person to Namjoon he knows. He takes Jessi's hand for a dance surprising the couple of friends. A new song starts, as well as a new conversation.

- Is this some kind of plan to keep me away from Joonie?

- You seriously need to stop calling my husband that

- I might...if it really bothers you

- Ugh I don't know why but I prefer you when you fight me

- Hahaha sorry. I promised I'd get along with Joonie's least now that I hate you a little less

- Do you? I feel like it's a trick to kill me when I turn my back on you

- I thought you would cause a bunch of problems to him...But I can see he reached your heart. Everyone can see the way you treat him. It's okay, Joonie always finds a way to be liked

The love and care are shining through her eyes as she stares at Namjoon a few meters from them. Only making things even more uncomfortable, Jin has to ask.

- What's up with Namjoon's father?

- Uh? What about him?

- You know his family better than me. If you trust me now then you could tell me

- Ugh, the worst part of Joonie is probably his parents. His dad is a pain in the ass who loves planning their son's lives. And Joonie? He does everything his father says, get used to it. He just wants to avoid fights! He's not like you or me

- Right...

Once more, the song ends. Namjoon's first impulse is to dance with Jessi again. Just once more before going back to his lovely husband. And for half a minute he does exactly that. Thirty seconds through which Jin can see how well they look together. The moment his eyes focus on anything else is when he sees Namjoon's father making his son a signal. As soon as Namjoon sees it, he lets go of Jessi's hand and walks back to Jin. Maybe the Prince isn't more than another piece in someone else's game. And he does not like to be used...

Next Chapter

Am I doing everything wrong, cupcake?

I don't think you're capable of hurting anyone, Yoonie


Hi babes~ A little of a Jin going through a crisis for y'all ✨ And Jessi will show up again because I love her character honestly hahaha

Next time we'll see Yoonmin 💕 And I hope you're ready for it ❤️ See you soon for that ~

I have to do the math again but I'm pretty sure I know which is gonna be the next story 😈

- Baby Y

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