Ch. Twenty 💍

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Yoongi finds himself spending alone time in the castle's kitchen. Jimin and him keep having arguments and he can see his husband acts each time more annoyed. He suspects the lack of sleep is not helping. This morning when he woke up, Jimin was sleeping with his head on the desk over some boring papers. Of course Yoongi moved him to the bed holding him princess style. Sadly, Jimin didn't even remember where he fell asleep on the first place so he didn't pay attention to where he woke up. Only a minute after being up he was already insisting Yoongi to study and being a pain in the ass. Specially when you consider his horrible attitude.

- Hey, Yoongs! What you doing here?

- Hiding

- From who?

- Take a wild guess, Hobi.

- it really that bad? Jimin can be a little grumpy sometimes but-

- It's not just that. He's not just in a bad mood. It's weird. Each day he looks not only more annoyed but more...empty. It's like nothing's there. And I tried but he won't talk to me!

- Maybe he doesn't need to talk but he needs to do something. Has he been out at all?

- He barely opens the curtains and that's only so he can read better. I don't think I've seen him look out the window or walk out for anything in days. He just goes from his bed to the desk back and forward. Well, sometimes he goes to the library. I think he's there now.

- Maybe you guys need a date out!

- Wow, I didn't think of that! You are soon smart Hobi!

- ...Okay, no need to be sarcastic! He rejected you?

- I wish. I can't even talk to him without him getting into a fight about one of those boring projects he has

- I thought you liked arguing with him!

- Not about economy! It's boring, stressful and it keeps me from remembering why I like him in the first place

- Because he's...cute?

- Not when he's this upset. I don't understand why he likes working so much

Before Hobi can answer, another voice talks joining the conversation. Yoongi frowns and turns to him. He can't help to feel a little annoyed seeing him. Kim Taehyung is standing by the door staring at the two friends.

- Jiminie doesn't like working.

- Oh, really? You think you know my husband after you broke his heart? I doubt it.

Tae doesn't answer and simply looks down. He doesn't know what to feel about all this. Knowing Jimin is going through such a bad time makes him feel bad. But at the same time he doesn't want to regret the decision he made. With mixed feelings, he takes what he came to look for in the kitchen and starts heading out. However, he stops wondering if there's something he could say that will help his old best friend.

- Can I give you my advice?

- I probably won't take it but whatever.

- He gets more stressed than you think about his Kingdom. But he keeps going because that keeps him from thinking.

- I know he's stressed but it doesn't mean I can deal with him treating me like shit.

- How do you think he treats himself? All I say is...look at him when he's alone. You can get an idea of how he's really like.

He walks out leaving Yoongi a little confused. Even though Jimin complains and fights with him, he seems rather calm when he's working on his own. A spark of curiosity appears and he spends the day waiting for Jimin to return. Maybe they can talk about it. Though to be honest he tried that before and Jimin won't open up about anything. That night, his husband is not in bed. Since he's probably still in the library and he might fall asleep working again, Yoongi goes find him. As he enters, he can see it's mostly dark except for the desk were Jimin is still writing. He starts to walk up to his husband when he hears him mumble something.

- Really? Again? God, I'm such a fucking idiot!

Immediately after, he rips off the page of whatever he was writing and throws it in a corner of the room. Yoongi can see it's not the first one. Actually there's a tiny mountain of written balls of paper.

- Let's see. If I just...Ugh, fucking shit.

He lets his head hit the desk making a loud sound. Yoongi is about to go to make sure he's alright when he sees Jimin move his legs back an forward in his seat completely annoyed with himself. He acts like a little kid after being denied candy. When Jimin looks up, there's a pout on his face and Yoongi has to keep himself from laughing. He doesn't want to be noticed right now. His husband looks so adorable and cute. That is...until the tears start to fall.

- I can't even think right without him...

Yoongi can finally see what that boy really is. A total mess. He cries non stop and he only tries to work so he can distract himself. But that same work is getting too hard for him and he can't deal with his own frustration. His perfectionist side is not only demanding of Yoongi but of himself. If things don't come out the way he wants he feels horrible. And lately everything's been going the wrong way. From his wedding to his job it all went to shit a while ago and he can't deal with it.

Asking for help has never been his style and he's not planning on starting now. So after drying his own tears with his sleeve, he grabs a book from the shelf in front of him and leaves the library. He needs to read a lot more if he wants to solve his problems with this project. And since that's the only thing he can fix in his life, he's trying twice as hard. Yoongi makes sure to hide well enough for his husband not to see him. When he's sure he was left alone, Yoongi approaches the desk.

- Silly cupcake, was it that hard to ask for help?

He sits and reads the project the boy was working on. He can spot a few mistakes along the way which is not normal in someone like Jimin. But considering his lack of sleep is surprising he got to write so much. That night, Yoongi's the one that stays awake trying to fix the problem. He never thought he would end up working this late at night. He would've hated it before. But who knows? Maybe he can take something off Jimin's shoulders. And the younger could see what it's like to have someone willing to help. Besides, the faster he can have this done, the faster he can focus on what really matters. Keeping his beautiful husband free of tears.

Next Chapter

We used to come here all the time with my brothers

If you wanna hurt him you'll have to deal with me first!


Hi babes~ New chapter and yes, I wanna marry Yoongi. Everytime he gets mad it's five minutes later and he's helping Jimin 😂 You'll have to wait a little to see Jimin's reaction though!

First, we'll see the Taekook date! ❤️ I hope you're ready for that! I think all the sweet parts start now~

See you soon! Hopefully on friday!

- Baby Y

P.S: I'm really enjoying "Smoke Sprite" with Namjoonie. Actually I think her full album is really good!

P.S 2: Jungkook's live has me hanging from a thread. Sir, have mercy on me will ya?

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