Ch. Twenty One 💍

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Taehyungs checks the list of places to visit Jin gave him. He doesn't want them to end up lost, specially since they had to go out without guards to convince Jungkook. He makes sure he's going in the right direction and saves the note before turning around. Just a meter away, his husband is following him. His eyes are looking down while his hands are hidden in his pockets. He seems uninterested until Taehyung talks.

- Here we are!

- Mm? The main road, what about it?

- It's the best part of the capital, Kookie! I wanna see every store there is! We can buy something to eat and then go by the fountain to make a wish!

- A wish... I'm not sure magic can fix anything.

- Let's go it'll be fun! Look! The kingdom's biggest library!

It's one of the places in the note. Jin said Kook used to love that place since it was very important to him. But by his expression he feels like some of that has changed. Jungkook stares at the building, nostalgic and with sad eyes.

- Mum used to buy us books here. I still keep the last one she bought before she passed away...

- Oh...I guess this might be a little sad then. Uhmm...Okay then let's go there! That tree is so big! Kids are trying to climb it! You used to love those things, we could-

- We used to come here all the time with my brothers. We had a monthly competition with Jimin. I would always win and then hahaha then he would complain to dad or cheat his way up. He's a terrible loser...yeah...

Once more, those sad eyes. One after the other, every place on the list brings a memory that used to be happy but now it's nothing but melancholic. While Jungkook realizes this little trip out the castle is draining him emotionally, Tae is starting to panic. How is possible? That everything can go this wrong for him all the time? He should've taken him somewhere else but he trusted Seokjin. Of course he did, it's Kook's brother! And he tries to convince himself Jin didn't do this on purpose. He probably tried to help and failed. Yeah...

- Can we go back, Tae? I have work to do and this place is making me uncomfortable.

- But...I...Yeah

He can't argue. Not when he can see how tired Jungkook looks. They start going back but Tae stops midway when they reach the fountain. Taking a coin out of his pocket he throws it and asks for a wish. A simple one.

- Please, let me win his heart over again...

- Tae! What you doing back there? Let's go!

Losing his confidence, he follows his husband. They don't want to keep seeing all those places Jungkook used to visit with his family so they take a shortcut. But the night is falling and suddenly that starts to look like a bad idea. Neither of them are good with directions and they're simply guiding themselves seeing the castle from afar. If Jin was there he could tell them what they're getting into. The dangerous part of the capital. And they don't take that long in finding out. A man with a knife stands in front of them. He smells like whiskey and looks just as dangerous as he sounds.

- Stop right there! This is a robbery! Give me all you got!

- That's illegal

Jungkook has a sad smile on his face as he says it. Because he knows that's exactly what Jimin says in situations like this. However, the man doesn't take it well and tries to attack him with his knife. He would've succeeded if it wasn't because someone else was in the way.

- If you wanna hurt him you'll have to deal with me first!

Tae doesn't back down even when he feels the blade cut through his hand. At least he's not being stabbed anywhere more dangerous. And most importantly, he's keeping Jungkook safe. When the youngest sees the blood trailing down his husband's arm, he finally reacts. One punch is enough to knock that man down. He's been a good fighter ever since he started training weekly.

- Tae, are you okay?

He pulls the knife out of the hand making Taehyung bite his lip not to scream. They're not that far from the castle so they hurry to get the wound checked out and cured. While the doctor arrives and prepares the bandages for Tae, Jungkook can't help to stare at him. An old memory comes back to him. From one of the first times he saw Tae. The doctor leaves after making sure of giving him some medicine for the pain. The boys stay alone in silence until Jungkook finally talks.

- It's not the first time you do this...

- I hope you're not complaining. From what I heard, last time you guys almost got robbed you ended up with a black eye

- Oh, yeah... That's why our father started all this.

- See? I don't regret getting in the way, you could've been hurt!

- If you would've been alone, you would've given him all your money. I know that. I saw how scared you looked when he jumped in front of us.

- It's hard not to be scared of someone with a knife

- When we were kids...You did something similar once, remember? When those kids where bullying Jimin and you-

- Ugh, don't remind me of them. Jimin and I were more than calm playing around and they came along just to make fun of him! Bunch of idiots...

Jungkook smiles. He spent his life seeing Tae like a shy boy that would never disobey his father. Someone that hated breaking the rules and confronting people in general. But...

- You get so much courage out of nowhere sometimes

- Just when I protect the ones I love... It's normal, right?

Tae isn't looking at him. He's just staring at his own hand wondering how long will it take to heal. He has no idea the look Jungkook is giving. Because the prince knows there's nothing normal in Kim Taehyung. He's always been a box filled with surprises. And that's exactly what made him fall for him the first time. Shaking that thought off, Kook spends the night taking care of his husband. And Tae has no idea the wish he asked for is a little closer to being true.

Next Chapter

It takes a bitch to recognize another bitch, Seokjin

I can see when you're upset, you're an open book!


Hi babes~ I said the sweetest parts were coming and then I stabbed Tae hahaha I'm sorry. But he's okay ❤️ And Taekook are finally moving forward a bit ~

Next one is Namjin! Jessi's last night in Busan for now. I'll see you there for it!

Se you soon~ I have to go stream the King of Kpop's new song (Set me free pt.2) Bye~

- Baby Y

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