Chapter 23 - Feeling the Heat

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The team gave Malden a wide berth. That morning, on approaching the town from the South, Nate had spotted some Super Mutants outside Medford Memorial Hospital. It was Cait who then spied some Gen 1 Synths approaching on a patrol from the east of the town, on a direct intercept course with the Super Mutants. A few silenced shots from the team, into each group, ensured the meeting would go with a bang. A Super Mutant Suicider detonating his mini nuke in the middle of the Synths gave the team the distraction they needed.

In order to get to Parsons, the team would first have to turn East and then cross over the Saugus river at the old iron works. Knowing that a raider group was occupying the site, the team had plans to give the site a miss. That was until they came across Doc Weathers and his caravan on its way down to Bunker Hill. As the team and the Doc's caravan stopped for a midday break near Greentop Nursery, he told the story of the oldest of the Finch boys, who recently ran off to join this new raider group set up at the iron works. The Doc stating that the family were keen to have him back. Not wanting to pass up a chance at a few more caps, the team agreed to stop off at the farm and hear what the family had to say.

Nate and the girls arrived at the farm, which was nestled below a still standing part of the Boston Expressway flyover, at just after five in the afternoon. After initially being mistaken for raiders by the family, Abraham Finch, the father, detailed their predicament. He told the team that a group of raiders from outside the Commonwealth had moved in. Calling themselves the 'Forged', they had taken over the old ironworks, and that they were not friendly at all.

He went on to explain, "That bastard son of mine, Jake, snuck out in the middle of the night to join them. He grabbed my grandad's old sword. It's the closest thing I have to an heirloom. I don't guess you'd be crazy enough to try and get it back for me? I've got caps, if that's what you want."

"What about your son, Jake? You don't care what happens to him?" Asked Piper, letting a little of her obvious contempt for Abraham seep in.

"I didn't raise my boys to be raiders. As far as I'm concerned, he's dead to me." By the way Abraham softened his tone on the last few words, Nate doubted that.

"Can you tell me anything else about the forged?" Asked Nate.

Abraham nearly spat, "they're led by a guy named Slag. Came in from outside the commonwealth a few months back and started recruiting. Mostly they've just been strong arming folks, but with how quick they have been growing it's just a matter of time till the raids get worse."

"What kind of a sword are we looking for?" continued Nate with the questions.

"One of them old pre-war swords, rigged up to shoot flames from the blade. Probably why Jake thought they'd let him join. So, what do you say?" Abraham asked back.

Nate looked at the girls who all nodded, "Yeah, we'll take it. Mind if we camp here for the night and head out tomorrow?" Nate confirmed, although he was convinced they would say yes, as he had just agreed to help and he was sure the pay would be minimal.

"They don't look like they will be able to afford much," Cait moved over to Nate when Abraham had left.

"I know but I like the idea of taking these raiders out and I am sure the iron works will be good for a decent haul." Nate looked over to the shadow of the iron works in the distance.

"I just like the idea of helping," Curie chimed in as she joined them.

Outside the front of the farmhouse was a large fire and cooking spit, which Abigail, Abraham's wife explained is kept there for the passing caravans. For the cost of keeping the fire going, she explained, they got guaranteed regular visits and the extra guns that protection offered. It was Nate and his team that were grateful for the fire at that moment, and more grateful when Mrs Finch produced a mutfruit pie she had recently baked. From her treatment of Nate and the girls, they could all tell that she was keen to see them succeed in bringing her son back.

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