24. New Years

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"You two." Hermione pointed at the twins as she stopped in front of them, they were sitting in the great hall. "You better behave this break. Don't do anything crazy or stupid."

"We're going to miss you too." The twins got up and engulfed her in a hug.

"We'll bring the map with us if we go out." Fred winked.

"That's not what I meant." Hermione huffed. "Oh and leave your brothers alone." Hermione glanced at Ron and Harry at the other end of the table and Percy. She knew the twins had a plan to prank everyone that stayed in the castle over break. Before the twins could utter a single word, she added. "I better get going before the carriages leave. I'll see you in two weeks." She waved as she pulled her trunk with her. The twins waved and shouted goodbye after her as she walked out the great hall.

All the girls and Lee were waiting outside, grey clouds filled with snow slowly drifted over them, huddled together.

"Thank God, you're here. I'm freezing." Angelina exclaimed as she rubbed her hands together.

"Did you tell them to be good?" Lee grinned as a carriage stopped in front of them and he opened the door for the girls to enter.

"Yes, I'll doubt they will listen though." Hermione chuckled. Katie had slid in next to her and whispered.

"After what they saw what you did to those girls, they might."

Hermione pursed her lips, trying to restrain a smile as she looked at the others. "Are we sitting together in the train or...?" Hermione's eyes wandered to Alicia, Angelina and Lee.

"I'm going to sit with Lena." Lee's blush pierced through his dark skin.

"Yeah, I'm meeting up with Gavin too." Alicia's voice full of excitement.

"Oscar asked me to sit with him, but don't know how long I'll stay with him, might come over to you two."

The wheel of the carriage drove through a gap in the ground, making them jostle inside the carriage. After they all sat back up straight and recovered from the slight shock, they started talking about their holiday plans. Hermione was going with her parents to the French Alpes for two weeks, to ski. Everyone except Angelina, who knew what that was, started to ask questions on the muggle sport and they both explained what you had to do.

Once Katie and Hermione found an empty compartment, the others dispersed on the train, all three going to their boyfriend/girlfriend. Together she and Katie had pushed their trunks on the top of the rack. They both took a seat next to the window facing each other. Katie had pulled out a sweater from her bag and propped it against the window, so she could take a nap. The previous night, they spend playing games until past midnight. While Katie made herself comfortable, Hermione took her book on Becoming an Animagus and continued her research. The train started in a jolt and the movements of the train made Katie fall asleep fast, her slight snoring filling the small compartment.

The closer they got to England, the snow started to turn in to wet snow, before turning fully into rain drops. It was at that moment the door of the compartment slid open. Hermione looked up from her book, expecting to see Angelina. But no, two Hufflepuffs boys were standing in front of her, holding all kinds of treats in their arms.

"Diggs, Matt. What are you two doing here?"

"Not really the welcoming I hoped for." Cedric teased.

"No, no come in." Hermione gestured them in, placing her book on the table. "I thought you would be sitting with Oaklee."

Hermione Granger, Another Life - Year TwoWhere stories live. Discover now