6. Braces & Ribbons

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"Hermione, sweetie?" Her mum called of the stairs. "Can you come down for a moment."

Hermione closed her book and placed it on her nightstand before she walked down the steps. Her parents were sitting in the living room, waiting for her. She stepped slowly closer; a small frown formed.

"Is everything okay? Is everyone okay? Is it Uncle Eddie?" She asked nervously, wringing her hands as she sat down in front of them on the coffee table.

"No, everything is fine. Uncle Eddie sends his love from Madagascar though." Her father smiled. "I talked with your mum about the braces."

Hermione stopped wringing her hands as her eyes went big. "A-and?" She asked as she stuttered.

"If you want, we can do it this Friday." Her mum smiled at her, with her perfect straight, white teeth.

"R-really?" She asked shaken. When her parents nodded, she flew forwards into their arms and they hugged each other tight. "Thank you, thank you, thank you." She repeated in their ears.

"And we know that most kids in Hogwarts don't know what braces are, or even dentists." Her father started as she pulled back. "So, if you want, we can ask Professor McGonagall to come by before Sunday to put a charm on it, so no one will notice."

"Yes, please. Not really in the mood to explain it to anyone or get teased by it."

"Great, we already owled her." Her father winked. "She's coming over Friday night."

"You're the best." And she flew back in their arms.

Since she grew up with parents as dentists, she never was afraid of them, like many other kids or even adults. So, she relaxed as she laid down in the leather white chair, the bright light above her. Her mum had just taken the mould, that tasted gross fyi. She leaned back when her parents came back in the room and slides the table closer with all instruments on it.

"Ready?" Her father asked. She nodded her head as she opened her mouth, and they placed the suction tube in her mouth.

An hour later she was standing in front of the mirror in the dentist office sporting brand new braces on her upper teeth. Her smile never been so wide, so proud as it was now. Her parents stepped up behind her, each placing a hand on her shoulders.

All the way home, all night actually, she couldn't stop smiling. When the doorbell rang, she hopped off the couch and hurried over to the door, much to the amusement of her parents. She swung the door open, revealing Professor McGonagall, who wore her famous emerald-green robes.

"Hello, Professor McGonagall." She smiled.

"Good evening, Hermione." She walked in as Hermione stepped aside. Her eyes flickered to her mouth, and they lingered there for a moment. "May I?" She asked. She leaned down, gently placing a hand over her jaw, when she nodded. She inspected the braces with great curiosity. "I know much about muggles, but I've never seen anything like this before."

"If you want, my parents can explain."

"That would be lovely." She gave a short nod. And they walked to the couch. "Jean, Daniel. Nice to see you again."

"You too, Minerva." They smiled as they shook hands. Hermione was quite surprised as they addressed each other with their first names. Her parents explained everything, showing pictures of the results, instruments and more. Hermione in the mean while gathered her essays, potions, everything she and Cedric had made so far. Professor McGonagall smiled as she saw Hermione gather her supplies in the corner of her eye. After the extensive explanation, she turned to her.

Hermione Granger, Another Life - Year TwoNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ