3. A Girls Day Out

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The girls were up early but stayed in bed talking until Hermione's mum called them down for breakfast. She had made her famous oatmeal pancakes and they were munching on them excitingly. When Katie took her last bite of her fourth pancake, Hermione's mother ushered them to get a shower and get ready. So, after they got ready, they were sitting in the garden as Hermione went over her extra schoolwork and Katie went over quidditch plays, making notes in her book.

"Hey, girls." The voice of her mother came from behind them as she peaked her head out the door. "They should be here any minute."

Katie tossed her book on the table as Hermione put her papers neatly in her folder before they both hurried inside. When they just skidded to a halt in front of the fireplace, it roared to life, two young girls stepped into the living room. The girls all looked at each other smiling before they all fell into each other's arms, hugging. They all talked over each other, greeting each other, asking how their first weeks of summer went. They were interrupted when her mother gently cleared her throat.

"Welcome girls. You must be Angelina and Alicia." She smiled at the two girls who were now dusting of the soot from their clothes.

"Nice to meet you, Mrs Granger." The girls said in unison.

"Do you want to go into town right away, or want to catch up first?" She asked the four girls.

"Maybe a quick tour around the house, I want to see Hermione's room." Alicia grinned, bouncing on her heels.

"Alright, I'll be down here when you girls are ready."

Hermione gestured them to follow her up the stairs and when the girls disappeared, Jean smiled as she lowered herself to the couch, watching the stairs they disappeared on.

Hermione and her mum were showing the girls around town, and with the help of Angelina they explained all the muggle things Katie and Alicia never saw before. They went to some muggle clothing shops and a cute little jewellery shop before they stopped at the diner on South St.

"So, what do your parents do?" Her mum asked all the girls after they placed their order, and she gave the menu's back to the waiter.

"My dad is a muggle, he's an accountant. My mum works as a quidditch journalist after she retired a couple years ago." Angelina started.

"From what Katie told me, quidditch is quite intense." She smiled at Katie before looking back to Angelina. Ever since Katie had arrived, she's been talking nonstop about quidditch.

"Yeah, she had to stop when she shattered her leg after a collision." Almost everyone at the table gasped and shuddered at the thought and the pain Angelina's mum must've felt. It looked like no one knew, not even Alicia. "She's fine now, but after the accident she decided to retire from it."

"I can only imagine." Her mother said quietly. She figured out the subject was closed so moved on to the girl next to her, Alicia. "So, Alicia... what about your parents?"

"My dad works at the ministry as an analyst of exotic symbols; he investigates new and old symbols to determine their meaning, use and purpose. My mum was an historian, but she stopped working when me and my sister came along."

"I can certainly understand that." Jean nodded her head. "I stopped working after Hermione came along, I started again when she went to primary school."

"Primary school?" The three young girls asked confused.

Hermione smiled before she answered. "Here in the muggle world, you start school around the age of five. First there is primary school from the age of 5 to 10, then there is secondary school, that is divided in three parts-" She stopped when the girls looked even more confused, making her chuckle. "Never mind, we just have a lot more school than you guys."

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