The Fall

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There were rumors that if you climbed to the top of Mt Ebott, you would disappear and never be found again. Frisk was very interested in stories, especially since nothing really happens in Ebott Town. Everyone knows everyone but they mind their own business. Ebott was a small town so no one would really turn an eye if another child went missing. Sure, there would be a fuss over another missing child but it'll eventually calm down. Frisk's disappearance wouldn't really be missed that much anyway.

Frisk sometimes wished that mother won't drink anymore and father would come back home and then they'll be a real family again; mother will stop drinking and they'll play games, have picnics, or take walks in the park. Frisk wants somewhere where they'll feel safe, not having to worry about earning money to pay for bills and keep the apartment. They want- it doesn't matter what they want.

The only place they haven't explored yet is Mt Ebott and they're curious about what kinds of things they can find. Maybe there'll be some herbs or flowers they can pick to sell.

With a determined nod and their backpack that had a few bandages, a pencil, a small notebook, a water bottle that they filled to the brim from the school's water fountain, and an old, worn book about herbs, they set off toward Mt Ebott.


There were a lot of flowers and herbs that they could sell! There was basil, some wild tomatoes, berries, chives, and so much more! Frisk wondered why they didn't come up the mountain sooner. With a happy skip in their step, they walked around the mountain skillfully picking herbs, flowers, and fruits. They made sure to fill up their empty belly with berries and other edibles along the way and made a crude map with markings to make it easier on where these resources were for the next visit.

After carefully putting the last of the herbs for the day in their backpack, they brushed away as much dirt and branches as they could from their clothes and set off to go back home. However, they spotted some mushrooms a few yards away. Stopping and staring at the mushrooms while thinking whether they should go back or not, they made the decision to get those mushrooms. They'll be carrying them home but at least they'll have enough ingredients to make tomato and mushroom soup for dinner.

When they arrived, they noticed that there was a huge hole in the mountain! It seemed very deep and scary. They tossed a small rock down the chasm and tilted their ear to check how deep the chasm was. A minute, two minutes passed and they still didn't hear the rock hit bottom. With a shudder and a marking on their map, they focused on getting the mushrooms which were really close to the edge of the chasm.

As long as they're careful, they won't fall in. With a determined nod, they carefully made their way over, put down their backpack at a nearby tree, and began tugging on the mushrooms with all their strength at different angles. Their feet dug into the soil as they tugged and tugged until the soil beneath their crumbled and slid away and with an alarmed shout, they fell.

The only thing that was keeping their from falling into the chasm below was a cluster of mushrooms. Frisk dangled over the edge, their hands becoming sweaty with fear, their arms aching. They needed to pull themselves up no matter what.

Frisk slowly let go of one of their hands and grasped the spot above their hand. Seconds passed by where they slowly climbed their way up. Frisk hoped that the mushrooms would hold their weight enough to get back up but as they climbed upward, the mushroom dipped lower and lower. Just as they're within reach of sweet, sweet ground with a trembling hand almost grasping it, the mushrooms snapped away from its roots and they plummeted with a silent scream.

As they fell deeper and deeper into the chasm and the orange sky growing smaller and smaller, Frisk's eyes teared up, blurring the sight, trying to memorize what it looked like before-

Everything faded to darkness and they knew of nothing more.

Adventures in UnderFellحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن