I see that Niall is trying to calm him down.

Louis point at some boy who's on my team. "You. Get out. You'll change with your captain."

The boy listens to the older one. He sits next to me with his head down. Now I had to enter the pitch. My legs feel like jelly. I'm going to die.

Louis smiles at me, but it's not a good smile, this smile is saying "I'm gonna fucking kill you in here." I swallow the lump in my throat.

It's gonna be okay Harry. You can do this.

Other guys also saw this smile on Louis' face and they start to whisper something between them. Great.

Our coach whistles. The game begins. One of my teammates passes me the ball. I run to the opposing team's basket.

When I'm about to throw the ball into the basket, someone runs into me. I fall to the ground, feeling a strong throbbing in my ankle. I grab my hurting ankle and look up to see who ran into me, Louis. Of course.

"Awww, something happened to our little boy?" He asks sarcasticly.

Niall walks over.

"It's not funny Louis. What the fuck was that?" The blonde one looks at me. "Are you okay? Can you stand up?"

I grab his hand to help myself stand up. As I placed my weight on my left leg, I inhaled deeply and shut my eyes. I try to take a step but it hurts so much.

"You don't look good Harry." Our coach walks over to me. "Let me see it."

I show him my ankle. It's purple. My ankle is fucking purple because of this dickhead.

I look at Louis who is definitely happy. "Youuu son of a b-"

"Hey! No insults! Niall, Louis, take Harry to the nurse office."

"What? Why me?" The brunette asks.

"Because it is your fault. Now go"

I put my arms over the boys' shoulders and we're going to the school nurse.

Louis whispers to me. "It's just the begging Styles." When he finished saying this, he kicked my injured ankle.

I hiss in pain. "Ugh! Motherfu-"

"Louis for god's sake stop it" Niall says to his friend.

The brunette chuckles.

We are in front of the nurse's office now.

"You can go Louis. I will handle the rest." The blonde guy says.

"With pleasure." Louis drops my arm and goes away.

"I'm so, so, so sorry about him. He's a dickhead." Niall says with shame in his voice.

"Then why are you still friends with him?"

I didn't want to say it. It slipped away.

"Because he's not always a dickhead." The other boy says shortly.

We walks in the office. "Good morning, my friend, Harry, fell during PE and something happened to his ankle."

"Okay Harry, sit here and show me"

Niall helps me sit up and I show the nurse my swollen ankle.

"Ay... it don't look good. Wait here boys, I'll get some ice." She goes into the next room and leaves me and Niall alone. This is a good opportunity to ask him if he would like to come to my birthday party. But what if he agrees just because he feels sorry for me? Fuck.

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