Start from the beginning

Sebastian placed the cup of tea infront of Ciel as he took a sip. "Young Master, it is almost time."

"I shall have the carriage brought around the front." Ciel continued sipping his tea, "Sure."

"Well then, everyone, I shall leave the clean-up to you." Sebastian said as he made eye contact with you, as to which you nodded your head. Sebastian turned to the brunette,"Grell, since you cause too much trouble, you should just rest and relax."

He turned to walk away but he faced them again, "And if by any chance you turn yourself over to eternal rest," He smiled. "Please do so outside the mansion grounds." He walked away.


You all gathered in the front garden as Grell cut the grass edges. You knelt on the floor, planting white roses.

You payed little to no a attention to what Grell was doing, you mostly relied on Tanaka to watch them. "The Funtom Company... the toy and confection maker," You looked over at Grell.

"The achieved rapid growth in under three years." They said, cutting the Bush hedges.

"This is a magnificent Manor that really shows the greatness of the company!" They admired. "Oh how stately it is!" You finished planting the roses, making your way over to examinewhat grell was doing.

"Oh, it's real Tanaka!" You glanced at the old man before you, this was real Tanaka? He was... surely... taller.

You had to look up at this man... absolutely not. You did not like this change. You stood there, growling at the man before you.

"Calm down there [Name]!" Bard tried to reassure you, holding you back. You shrug him off and give 'Tanaka' the stink eye.

 You shrug him off and give 'Tanaka' the stink eye

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"Hmph..!" You pouted, Tanaka continued on giving information to the others on the house. It was only then you noticed what grell was doing to the bushes.

You tugged on Mey-rin's uniform and point to the bushes, at this point she was basically your voice since you didn't know how to speak.

"I-I've caused you trouble again.." Grell hurriedly rushed to a nearby tree that had a ladder next to it, leading to a noose. "I'll... I'll atone with my death!!" The others ran after them trying to stop them.

You just watched with a poker face as the banter went on, you sighed. Guess you were going to to have to fix their mess after this..

Suddenly a blonde haired girl came and pulled the ladder, causing Grell to be hung as all the others yelled out.



You hid around the corner as the blonde girl ran ahead of you, thankfully you got away from the psychotic girl before she could do you any worse.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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