Chapter 6 - accident

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When Nick called me and told me what happened I was terrified of the idea of losing my coniglietto again and forever this time, because she might not wake up.


When we got to the hospital Nicholas was there and looked very stressed. "Hey, are you ok?" I asked him. He looked up at me and what he said next broke me. " Yeah, but she told me she hadn't eaten in a week and on the way here she woke up and begged me not to let them use drugs on her." he said only so I can hear. "Don't tell anyone she doesn't want them to know." he added.

"Ok. I won't. I promise." After I said that dad spoke up. "What happened?" he asked pissed because his princess is hurt. "She was at a café and I went to sit with her, talked for a while even, but when I mentioned what happen earlier she didn't want to talk about it and stormed out got in her car, and went to a abandoned road. She was going 110 miles per hour and when suddenly her car flipped. When I got her out she was unconscious with a cut on on her head, arm and leg aswell as a shard of glass in her shoulder." Nick told us what happened.

Dad then turned to Hunter with anger in his eyes. "YOU. THIS IS YOUR FAULT. YOU YELLED AT HER, CALLED HER NAMES, AND KNOW, KNOW SHE MIGHT NOT WAKE UP." he yelled and Hunter toke a step back.

"My fault. My fault. My fault." He repeated over and over again taking steps back until he was again the wall and then he fell to the ground. Noah then went to comfort him, because it wasn't his fault it wasn't anyones fault.


2 hours later a male dark haired doctor came out. "Here for Scarlet Rose Salvatore?" He said and ten of us stood up, but dad was the one how went and talked to him.

"Yes I'm her father." "Good afternoon sir. I was the doctor that did your daughter's surgery. She has a concussion and had to get several stitches on her cuts. The surgery wasn't supposed to take so long, but she lost quite a bit of blood and had internal bleeding, aswell as lost of bruises, scars and cuts all over her body that was not fresh enough to have been caused by the accident. And halfway through the surgery she woke up and refused the anesthesia." he finished.

"What? So do you think the internal bleeding was caused by the accident? And what do you mean she has bruises, scars and cuts all over her body that is to old to have been the accident." dad rumbled on.

"I do not think the internal bleeding was caused by the accident but by some sort of abuse, maybe. And the bruises and cuts were almost healed that is how I know it couldn't have been the accident. At the moment she is asleep. Her room number is 216 a private room on the top floor. She might not wake up today, because we had to triple the anesthesia dose just so that she would sleep through the surgery. When she does wake up be very careful not to put to much pressure on her chest when you hug her and she might have same memory loss seeing as she hit her head pretty hard." he said almost all in one breath "Any questions?" he then added.

"No. Thank you doctor for your services and time." dad said and the doctor then left.

We all went to the room were the doctor said my little sister would be unconscious. When we arrive at the room I can see her on the bed just laying there with machines connected to her that makes sure she is breathing and her heartbeat is a normal speed.

We al enter room and sit down around the bed. I take her hand in mine and kiss the top of it. We al just sit there and stared at her silently praying that she wakes up.


After 8 hours of sitting there al most everyone whent to a hotel just 7 minutes away, everyone accept me, Landon and Nicholas left.

Why did they not leave I don't know, but out of al of us they looked the worst Nicholas more then Landon. But not even Aiden her twin looked that bad.

The three of us got food and coffee and at around 00:00, Landon fell asleep and I could stay awake for much longer, so I went to sleep around 1am.


At 1:30 am I was about to let the darkness take over when I saw movement and saw Scarlet sit up. To be honest I don't know why I'm so worried and protective over her, because I just met her today. But I feel this pull, this connection with her that I have never felt before.

I'll make her mine someday. Mine. Mine. Mine.

I get out of my spot and go over to her side. "Scarlet?" I ask in a whisper. "Nick what happened? Where am I?" she whispered back to me. "You were in a car accident, your the hospital. Everyone is at a hotel not to far away if you what me to call them." "No don't call them. Could you just get me same water and ... nevermind." she said. "I wouldn't call them and get you water was else did you want?"

"You don't have to I'll get it myself." "No your not allowed to stand up. What else did you want?" I repeat. "Something to eat but something small she said just loud enough for me to hear. I smile. "Of course I get you water and something small to eat, darling."

She wants to eet something. I'm proud of her.

I go downstairs and get her what she wants and headed back to her room. As I step into the room I see her just staring at the wall in front of her. As I approach her she breaks out of her trance and turn her head so fast I swear I heard her neck crack.

"I got you your water and food." I say as I put everything on her lap sitting down next to her. "Grazie." she said shocking me that she knows Italian. "Wait. Say that again." I say because her voice sounded very familiar. "Grazie." she repeated a bit confused as if way she should repeat herself. And when I realized where I have heard that specific Italia accent I knew exactly how she was.

I can't lose you because if I did, I'd have lost my best friend, my soulmate, my smile, my laugh, my everything. I thought

"So chi sei. Sei la Donna della mafia italiana rivale e la la stella assassina più conosciuta." I say to which made her freeze just as she was about to take a bite of the sandwich that I give her.

I know who you are. You are the Donna of the rival Italian mafia and the most well known assassin star.

She slowly looks at me with wide eyes and take a sip of water before speaking "È così? Che cosa farai? Uccidimi? Perché a dire il vero mi piacerebbe morire." "No. No killing. Just asking for a alliance." I rerouted. "Sure give the paperwork and I'll see what I can do." she said and after she was done with what she could eet of the sandwich she went back to sleep but not before making me promise not to tell anyone who she is and I fell asleep with her hand in mine.

"Is that so? What will you do? Kill me? Because to tell the truth, I'd like to die."

Hey loves <3

Hope you enjoyed this chapter sorrie it's a bit al over the place.

Have a nice morning/afternoon/night

Word count: 1342

Enjoy 😉


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