Chapter 4 - The Wandering and Escort

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-Satoru POV-

As I was punching the last person that came to attack me and making the person unconscious. I fell down and bring myself back to back with a wall

*Huff* *Huff* "I would say that this is too tiring to be attacked by many of you" *Smirk* "yet I still manage to won"

As I was trying to get up i heard a voice feminine voice calling me

"Wait, don't get up just yet you are very tired"

"Jeez.. it's fine I just need to get up just that"

"Listen to me please.. I don't want you to get hurt because of me again"

As I finally see the girl, she had a blonde hair with a blue eyes that is shining like an emerald with some tears almost falling down from her eyes

"Fine you win.. So don't cry okay"

As I was saying that I patted her head, I could see her checks are a little red. I went near her head and make our head touch together

"Hmm.. you seem to not have a fever but i wonder why are you cute beautiful face have a red mark on it"

I was telling her this while having a smile on my face

"Wh-whh-att.. I-I am n-not"

"Oh.. sure you're not"

With a disbelieving look that I say that to her, She seems flustered about it, probably cause it was my plan. If I am right from her that she is probably a noble come from her looks and childlike nature

"So what are you doing here with these bunch of as I see guys"

"I-I don't know I was just walking in the street, when suddenly the black hooded person try to capture me"

So another girl that is being capture in the middle of her walk minding her own business

-Girl ??? POV-

As i said what happened to me, I ask the hero that have saved me

"Hey.. What is your name if I may ask?"

"Just.. call me Satoru princess"

"Shut up, don't call me that!!"

"Okay princess, beside i have told you mine what about you"

"My name is Viona As-"

As i quickly shut my mouth, dammit I have just almost blow away my cover

"I-I mean Viona, yeah.."

"Hmm.. alright then Viona do you need help to go back home cause it's seems that this place isn't safe for a little girl like you"

"I am not a little girl!! I am 17 Years old now okay, you hear me"

"Sure princess~~"

My face feels hotter now, what does this stupid hero think of? Is he trying to win my heart like in those romance book


"Princess let me have your hand"

"Yes my hero"

"Princess I have always wanting to tell you this"

"Wh-what is it hero"

"I love you princess will you be my wife until the end of eternity"

"Yes! Yes! I will!"

-Satoru POV-

The little cute girl is now having a blank stare while smiling, I see her smiling like an angel falling and is smiling towards me. Since that I know that she will be my second target

Reincarnated as part of a harem, in the books about HaremWhere stories live. Discover now