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(AN: An unexpected crossover 😉)

Kiyotaka's POV:

The cultural festival just ended few days back and it has been tiring, although Chabashira-sensei's maid outfit made up for it. It's Sunday, I usually hangout with my group, which is gone now or Kei, who is with her friends now. Right now, I'm wandering around the campus because I had nothing to do.

While being too immersed in my thoughts, I realized that I'm lost and I don't know where I'm right now. I quickly opened my phone and checked my location and I realized I'm at the north-west side of ANHS island, which is pretty far from the dorms and school campus. I've decided to go back because I can already see the sun setting and I've school tomorrow.

While I was on my way back, I saw something strange. I saw a few buildings which looked like storage houses, curiosity got to me and I walked towards them. I went inside one of them and it looks completely abandoned with dust all over the boxes and spider webs all over the building.

"Hey, who are you boy?"

I turned to see a man with spikey hair in his mid 30s wearing a red bomber jacket over a checks shirt and smoking a cigarette, I immediately understood he's a foreigner, his appearance is one thing and the fact that he asked me the question in English.

"I'm sorry, I was lost and ended up here." I replied in English, (Italics = talking in English)

He was slightly surprised that I replied in English, "I see..." he muttered and went to the boxes that are piled up in the corner,

"Who are you?" I asked, walking closer to him,

"I'm Tyler Durden, you?" he introduced himself, rising his hand for a handshake,

"I'm Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, what are you doing here?" I asked,

"Oh, I'm just clearing some stuff. These storage houses used to be mine. These used be convivence stores three years back and as you can see they are not functional now..." He explained,

"A convivence store this far...?"

"That was the reason it was closed..."

"What do you do?" I asked,

"What do you mean?"

"I meant, what do you do for living?"

"Oh..." He smirked and took out a suitcase, "Soap..."

"I'm sorry..."

"I make and sell soap." He said while handing me his visiting card,

And this is how I met Tyler Durden. I took one soap from his suitcase to look at it, "Smells nice, can I have this?"

He smirked at me, "You can, but can you do me a favor?"

"Depends on what you ask..."

"Let's go outside..." he said, while walking out the building and I followed him,

"I want you to hit me as hard as you can." Tyler said, while we stood face to face,

"What?" I asked just to make sure what I heard was right,

"I want you to hit me as hard as you can." Tyler said again, while stressing it more,

"So, you just want me to hit you... why?" I asked while looking confused,

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