I'm her, She's me (Reaction)

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The Requests:

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3rd Person POV:

Chronos: "Now let's move to another alternate universe and this will be very fun!!" 

Hashimoto: "You look excited..." 

Chronos: "Yeah, because you'll have a look at Ayanokoji's past in this video..." 

Kiyotaka: 'So long, peaceful life...' 

Arisu: 'Well... good luck, Ayanokoji-kun,' 

Horikita: 'Ayanokoji-kun's past...' 

Kei: 'Kiyotaka's past...' 

Chronos: "Let's start!!" 

Ayanokoji Kiyotaka's POV

Shiro was the last one to leave...

Now, I'm the only person left in this generation, Shiro said he wanted to meet new people, want to make friends, more importantly, he said he wanted freedom.... What does he mean by freedom? Is getting out of white room is his freedom? or doing whatever he wants? Now that got me thinking... 

"White room...?" 

"Generation...? what is he talking about?" 


Kiyo: 'It's that time huh. Truly an alternate universe, because I don't remember having these thoughts... '  

Haruka: "What are you talking about, Kiyopon? what is this white room?" 

Kiyo: "Keep watching, you'll know..." 

Haruka: "Hmm..." 

Can a person truly achieve complete freedom? 

Arisu: "I don't think that's possible, Ayanokoji-kun." 

Kanzaki: "I agree, there will always be rules everywhere you go." 

If anyone were to ask me this question, I would immediately answer no, because no person can achieve complete freedom. Complete freedom means doing whatever the one wishes and whatever the one wants to do without any restrictions, and no person in Japan or in this world can do whatever they wish because there is restriction binding every person in this world and that is the Law or the Constitution of Japan (and Constitution of their own country).

"Freedom, huh..."

The sleep time is upon me, so I let my body rest...


I woke up at the same time I usually wake up everyday, wait! this isn't white room,

Kiyo/Arisu: 'Not White room?' 

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