chapter 22 was he?

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.Wang ye slapped on Zhe han's hand off which was covering his mouth and zhe han took it off but zhe han was still holding him by his waist.and suddenly zhe han looked at Wang ye " let's escape" he said in a swallow voice made Wang ye blush more than he is now. "Where? We should finish them!" Wang says in loud voice and suddenly zhe han put his Intex finger oh his lips making him silent but that process made Wang ye skip a beat . And he looked at zhe han without blinking. But the guards heard it
" That's bastard is there catch them Don't let them escape" the man yelled from the darkness. Then as fast as he could zhe han grabbed Wang ye's wrist and pulled him to run the both men ran . Zhe han was in front while running out of the place. While running out he turned back to look if the guards still following them then he saw that guards following them by doing sword flying skill.

Shit there are faster than us . If this continues we will get caught by those guards what should i do ...(⁠;⁠;⁠;⁠・⁠_⁠・⁠)

Zhe han thought while running through the thick woods . It was midnight so it was very dark they can't see perfectly but they managed to run in the woods but those guards still following them, one of the guard yelled from behind
" Don't let them get away" that made other guards to go faster . Wang ye and zhe han was running in foot .

Ah if this goes on we will get caught. If I have cultivation skills I would use sword flying skill.shit ...(⁠ꏿ⁠﹏⁠ꏿ⁠;⁠)
What about Wang ye ? Can he use sword flying? But he doesn't even have a sword with him so it's useless.

Wang ye looked at the back of zhe han while running.

Was he this short? Was his hands were this small?(⁠・⁠o⁠・⁠)

He looked at the hand that holding his wrist. It was smaller than him and softer too . He never noticed that zhe han was shorter than him before.

His hair is really long wow!! (⁠・⁠o⁠・⁠;⁠)

He looked at the hair bouncing while running. The brown hair was very messy it wasn't straight it was kinda wavy hair . And his hair looked layered from behind and he has soft bangs that cover his forehead perfectly ,Wang ye noticed that zhe han's jaw was sharp and flawless when zhe han turned his head to look back if the guards still following them.

What am I doing? Ha ? In this situation I'm thinking about that bastard's beauty? Haha ? ರ⁠╭⁠╮⁠ರ

Wang ye couldn't believe himself thinking like that .

Zhe han running aimlessly
Where should we go they are still following. I must stop them but how.

" Zhe han , they are still following us ! "
Zhe han looked when he heard the sound "yes the are? Don't tell me that you are noticing it now,?" Wang ye smiled

What have been he thinking?ರ⁠_⁠ರ

Zhe han thought while looking at the idiot who is smiling.
" Zhe han? We need to stop them " Wang ye said and looks back ." But how ? I can't use sword flying skill" he said in shame but Wang ye didn't blame him for that  . " Do you have talisman?" Wang ye asked zhe han still running. Zhe han let go of Wang ye's hand and searched his inner pockets of clothes
" Hmm yes but thats a barrier releasing talisman" he said with a sad expression.
" Give me that " Wang ye said while running along with zhe han then zhe han tossed the talisman to Wang ye

What is he going to do with it? Wait this scene? In woods? Yes this scene is similar to the scene that happened after I get abolished from sect while saving lang sha from the conference , lang sha and zhe han ran to escape from the mount Xiang duo and end up in a forest and they spend a whole night there and the crush she have become strong to zhe han . Ha this is  that scene but where is my lang sha? Why is he here? Σ⁠(⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠)

Zhe han looked at the guy who ran along with him . Wang ye grabbed the talisman and sat down there." What are you doing? Thats not gonna work I told you that's a barrier releasing talisman " zhe han yelled from behind.
But Wang ye ignored him completely like he was air. Then wang ye bite the tip of his thumb and blood started to ooze from the cut. He draw some charector on the talisman with the blood . Then he threw the talisman to the nearest tree and it sticks on it then a red color started spreading.
Zhe han looked at the skill he just saw

Wahhh this is the blood demon barrier trick right? Wahh this is the technique that he used in the third war woahhh I must be blessed to see this here yayyy.(⁠ノ⁠*⁠0⁠*⁠)⁠ノ

Zhe han's face light up in aww.   He didn't notice that Wang ye ran off
" What are you waiting for ? " Wang ye yelled from afar and zhe han looked at him

When did he get there? Is he a smock? ⊙⁠.⁠☉

The two of them ran into the dark woods making the guard trapped inside the red transparent barrier

After the long run zhe han was breathing heavily." Should we rest?(huh, huh, huh,)" zhe han asked Wang ye  . " Yes , I can't run anymore" he wasn't tired but he can't see zhe han breathing this heavily . he sat down in the mudd and took some deep breath

If this is that scene then we will be trapped in this forest because if we look every direction look same and we can see endless trees yes tall giant trees .
" Come let's rest there , that's a big tree " Wang ye suggested but zhe han couldn't walk anymore his legs were killing him

Hwaa this is so painful.ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ

"Wang ye, I can't walk anymore let me just rest here" he said with a sad yet pleading expression. Wang ye can understand it but if he sit in the mudd like this he will get bite by insects and it will be more dangerous because this is a rainforest every insect will be venomous." Come, I will carry you there ,, you can't sit here" Wang said and walked to zhe han .he held zhe hans small hands and pulled him up and he put zhe han's left hand through his shoulder and Wang ye's right hand slowly went through back of zhe han and slowly touched his hip and pulled him to Wang ye. ,zhe han chocked his own saliva(⁠•⁠‿⁠•⁠)
" What? are you okey?" Wang was very worried at that moment. zhe han just noded that he is fine .and let him grabb by his hip. Wang ye helped zhe han to walk and helps him to sit down on the big tree . Wang ye looked up to see what kind of tree is it but he never seen this one . zhe han sat down and started to massage his legs . Wang ye sat next to him .

Ha what a refreshing night.. in the plot .Wang ye wasn't here, it was Lang sha but how did I end up with this guy here? Is the story changed a lot? The end of the story changed? Ah I don't know what's gonna happen at the end.but the incidents are still happening as well as in the plot but the characters are changing positions .I hope lang sha is fine with ji shou.(⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠)

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