chapter 7 : the beautiful man...

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Ji shuo was drinking tea with master Jiang while talking about the financial statements of this year . The the big wooden and iron door opened a guard entered the room his appearance was plain and simple guess he is a magician. Ji shou and master Jiang and the other elders looked at the direction " peak master Jiang there is a issue" that man said
" What is it ?" Master Jiang asked the guard politely. His half gray and half black hair was tied in a high bun with a crown in it .his white angelic clothes made him look more precious and polite .
" Master we caught the assasin women " peak master's eyes widened and he suddenly started to stand up from his position. He walked towards the guard " where is that bitch ? Let me see her " he said looking at the guard.
" Let's go master Jiang I will show you the way" ..
The both of them left the room .ji shou and other elders sit silently while sipping their tea . Enjoying the tea 🍵
Ji shou couldn't believe what he just heard . That exact thing happened as zhe han said no Cheng yi said.

After that ji shou believed what zhe han told him .

After that incident zhe han and ji shou said goodbye to Jiang peak and left
" Zhe han what should I call you? Zhe han or Cheng yi?" Zhe han who was peeking out of the window of their palanquin turned his head to ji shou " just call me zhe han or people will misunderstand" zhe han looked at the expression on ji shou's face 👀 he was kinda blushing.

What the?is he falling for me??hahah that must be crazy...

Zhe han turned his head back to the outside then a drop of water left his body 'Tung'...

"Hah I must be crazy. Ztop this palanquin"
The guard stoped it and gave zhe han a annoying look.zhe han didn't had the time to look at their expression he ran to the corner of the rode . Ji shou who was sitting still for an hour stood from his position then walked to improve his blood circulation while walking he heard water flowing sound from the north side . He followed the sound of water.
zhe han finished his little job and turned then he saw ji shou walking to somewhere he followed him.the both of them end up in front of a huge waterfall.
the water was crystal clear.
"Wow man this is awesome. " Zhe hans voice echoed .
Ji shou who was looking at beauty of the waterfall his eyes locked on something.he ran to it ,zhe han saw ji shou noticing something and going straight at that thing . When zhe han got there he saw ji shou . his Intex and middle finger putting infront off a man's nose. The person was unconscious.but he was a rare beauty.zhe hans eyes widened and addicted at the same time . That person was extremely breathtaking beautiful. His long pure white hair was lying on the rock he lying his beautiful pure white hair almost turned into Mudd brown becouse of the dirt his closed eyes were more mesmerizing those beautiful thin yet pinkish red lips made zhe han skip a beat . His almost exposed upper body was most hottest he ever seen . This man is a living God yes he can't not human.

 This man is a living God yes he can't not human

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The unknown person☝️

Haha his structure is really addictive and beautiful I can't take my eyes off him my hands are trembling because they want to touch that man's smooth and soft skin they want to feel it.

What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I fantasy him? I'm not into men then why I feel like this attracted to this man.i must be going crazy because of his beauty.

Ji shou called zhe han out of his fantasy world" zhe han , what r u thinking about how many times do I have to call u?"
" Ha u called me? So- sorry, I didn't hear" zhe han apologized
" Anyway we already wasted a lot of time we must save this person, so go fast and tell the guard to bring the first aid medicine " zhe han noded and run off .
After a while zhe han brought the guards and they treated the unconscious men ... One of the guards a person is a healer . Ji shou always brings healers with him because he don't know when bad things will happen.
" So, this man is fine now he will get up after 24 hours don't need to worry .,"that made ji shou and zhe han sighhh in relief
" Huffffffffff"
" Huffffffffff"
They took the man into their palanquin and zhe han walked instead of riding palanquin.
When they got back to Shang Lin peak zhe han " ji shou why would you save someone you don't know? What if he is a enemy ? What if he is here to assassinate you" the words zhe han said made sense because Jiang peak master got injured by the demon cultivators and now ji shou also a peak master and he is now not in the state to fight. if he use his spiritual qi again to fight that will make him suffer . His meridian is damaged so he need to heal . Until he is recovered he must stop getting In fights. And now he saved a person don't know who he is . And what kind of person he is .

But he looks like a noble from his clothing style and his clothes quality.

" I don't know who he is but his face seems familiar" zhe han is looking at the person who is lying on the big king sized bed like a sleeping beauty.he is looking him in every angle.

" Where have I met him before" hmm hmm.... Anyway forget about it Cheng yi . let's go get some rest haha we are back in house .
Home sweet home......
Let's chleeeepppppppp.......kekekkeke.

Zhe han jumped into him bed at the moment he saw his brown bear furred bed with a heavy blanket .
This is heaven haaaaa ....

🦋Q:Anyway where have Cheng yi saw this person? Comment the answer if you know

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