Ep. M2 - K&U's Show

46 2 11


Urogi: "cha ching! We received a request to.."

Karaku: "prank others! That would be fun! Request sent by the_crazyknybitch1!"

Urogi: "who should we prank first?"

Karaku: "hmm.. Aizetsu?"

Urogi: "hmmm....." *Looks at the list with people to prank on and people not to prank on* "no?"

Karaku: "okay, let's- wait what?" *Looks at the list* "why tho?"

Urogi: "idk- wait.. remember that time?"



Karaku: "I'M RUNNING!!"

*and then there's some mad Aizetsu fans and characters who love Aizetsu chasing them*

yep, done flashing

Karaku: "..oh"

Urogi: "let's prank.. Aniki >:D"

Karaku: "yeah, Angry Pepper >:]"

Urogi: "any plans on what pranks should we pull?"

Karaku: "hmm.." *grabs another list* "dang,  'they' didn't lied that some of their braincells are gone"

Urogi: "isn't that kinda rude-?"

Karaku: "they said it by themselves, not me. Soo.. Oil or water dropping door?"

Urogi: "water, idek about oil 😀"

Karaku: "okay, water it is!"

They went in front of Sekido's room door

Urogi: "..alright" *opens the door slowly and lifts Karaku*

Karaku: *puts the water bucket on the door*

Urogi: "quick, let's hide!"

Karaku: "okay!"


Sekido: *gets out of his room and gets splashed*

Urogi: "pfft-"

Karaku: *closes Urogi's mouth*

Sekido: "... I'm gonna kill you both"

Karaku: "OKAY BAD CHOICE-" *runs*

Urogi: "wait! Wait for me!" *Runs too*


Urogi: "I think we only could stop right here ;-;"

Karaku: "yeah, Sekido gave us a heavy injury-"

(The end. I'm also about to sleep. Sorry for the late publishing)

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